douglas gray on fri 16 jan 98
> The pigments that were being discussed at the time the OSHA Cadmium Standard
> was in comment period were "silica encapsulated cadmium pigments." They were
> tested by ingestion in dogs and the test results were not impressive at all.
A slightly different slant on this thread. I am not so dumb to think that
animal testing doesn't occur, but some how this saddens me. It is very easy to
buy into the romantic notion of pottery--a kind of from the mother earth into
the fire approach--pure and uncluttered by the woes of our twentieth century
civilization. I'm guilty of it myself. in fact, I probably own stock in the
But then little bits of information like this crop up and remind us that what we
do, every day, has an impact on environment and the creatures we share it with.
I know there are far worse things we could involve ourselves in, but it really
startles me, sometimes, to consider the devestation of which we, the advanced
secies, are capable.
Here's a respectful toast to the vanadium dogs and the safety they afford us.
============================================================================ =)
Douglas E. Gray, Assistant Professor of Art
P.O. Box 100547
Department of Fine Arts and Mass Communication
Francis Marion Univeristy
Florence, South Carolina 29501-0547
Fay & Ralph Loewenthal on sun 18 jan 98
Carrying on this thread about the effect to our ecology et
al. We had a major fight here in South Africa when a
certain mineral company wanted to mine the dunes at
St. Lucia, a major wetlands system. I think they wanted
to mine titanium and rutile, which most potters use in
their glazes. They said they could re-establish the
ecological systems as they were before. What a load of
hogwash. I have yet to see any human endeavour come
anywhere close to what our creator set up in the first
place. Through public pressure they were stopped and
the local folks have established a lovely eco-tourist
attraction that everybody ad infinitum can enjoy. We have
to be real careful about what we use and how we use it.
We have responsibilities to the rest of our eco system.
Ralph in PE SA
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