James Freeman on wed 16 mar 11
When I built the clayart (Resources) page on my website, along with all of
the free downloadable tools and information, I included a link to download =
little guitar song that my son Eric wrote and recorded when he was 15 or
so. In checking my site statistics, I was surprised to see that several
hundred people downloaded the song file. While throwing a big batch of cup=
a few days ago, I was listening to Eric's newest work, an instrumental
collection that is very hard to classify. I guess the closest I can come t=
a description is a sort of experimental/electronic/techno sound, but with a
lot of acoustic overtones, in sort of Big Band-like arrangements with
classical overtones. Not very specific or helpful, I know, but the stuff
really does grow on you. A lot of it sounds like it could be from a movie
In any case, I thought I would share his music with the list. For a limite=
time only (until he finds out and yells at me for it), I have uploaded his
CD to a page on my website where you can download the songs free of charge.
The CD consists of 15 songs, plus 7 bonus tracks. My current favorites are
track 8, IDK, track 19, Pixellated Real Life, and especially track 22, Happ=
Piano Song, but a number of others come in a close second, notably track 3,
Punk Bitch Ripoff, track 5, Poppin' Bottles, track 6, Acoustic Piano, track
12, Stalagtizzight, track 16, Woah, track 17, Where the Party At?, and trac=
21, Guitar and Violin (I have no idea where the titles come from!).
You can find a link to the CD on my clayart page,
www.jamesfreemanstudio.com/resources . The album is the last item in the
"information" section, and it will open the download page in a new tab.
Listen all you like, but please don't use it for commercial purposes withou=
his permission. If you like the music, there is a link on that page where
you can vote for Eric in the Warped Tour Battle of the Bands (no obligation
to do so). Also, if you want to send me feedback (off list), I would be
happy to forward it to him.
Enjoy the music (or not)!
All the best.
James Freeman
"...outsider artists, caught in the bog of their own consciousness, too
preciously idiosyncratic to be taken seriously."
"All I say is by way of discourse, and nothing by way of advice. I should
not speak so boldly if it were my due to be believed."
-Michel de Montaigne
James Freeman on wed 16 mar 11
I was informed that the link to track 17 was broken. Just wanted to let you
know that it is now working.
James Freeman
"...outsider artists, caught in the bog of their own consciousness, too
preciously idiosyncratic to be taken seriously."
"All I say is by way of discourse, and nothing by way of advice. I should
not speak so boldly if it were my due to be believed."
-Michel de Montaigne
On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 12:16 PM, James Freeman <
jamesfreemanstudio@gmail.com> wrote:
> In any case, I thought I would share his music with the list. For a
> limited time only (until he finds out and yells at me for it), I have
> uploaded his CD to a page on my website where you can download the songs
> free of charge.
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