Chris Campbell on mon 21 mar 11
As we are all aware at this point, tragedy has struck =3D0Athe country of J=
an in the form of a devastating earthquake =3D0Aand tsunami. =3D0AThe exten=
t of=3D
the destruction and toll on human life =3D0Ais both difficult to comprehen=
d =3D
and impossible to calculate at this time. =3D0A=3D0AOur thoughts and prayer=
s ar=3D
e with our friends and colleagues and =3D0Atheir families, and indeed all o=
f =3D
the people of Japan, as they begin =3D0Ato recover from these terrible even=
.=3D0A=3D0AThe Potters Council is accepting tax-deductible donations on beh=
alf =3D
=3D0Aof those who have been directly affected in the most hard-hit areas. =
We will be working with local liaisons in Japan to identify the most =3D0Ae=
ective ways to distribute all the funds that we collect. =3D0A=3D0AIf you a=
re p=3D
ersonally interested in making a monetary donation to help =3D0Athe ceramic=
rtist community in Japan, please choose a donation level =3D0Ain the link p=
vided below. =3D0A=3D0A
S103DON=3D0A=3D0AYour donation will go a long way toward helping people in =
the =3D
coming=3D0A months as they rebuild their lives and livelihoods.=3D0A=3D0AWe=
also =3D
encourage every one of our Members to reach out to artists you =3D0Aknow, w=
have been affected by this tragedy to offer your support in =3D0Awhatever =
y you can. =3D0AEven a letter, phone call or email expressing your concern =
d interest =3D0Acan make a difference.=3D0A=3D0AIn the weeks and months ahe=
ad the=3D
re will be much to do to support the =3D0Arecovery of Japan and the people =
rectly affected by these events.=3D0ALet=3DE2=3D80=3D99s make sure that we =
do all w=3D
e can to support our friends and colleagues.=3D0A=3D0ACharlie Spahr, Execut=
ive =3D
Director=3D0ACarolyn Dorr, Sr. Manager of Potters Council=3D0AOn behalf of =
the =3D
Potters Council Board of The American Ceramic Society=3D0Avia=3D0AChris Cam=
l - in North Carolina=3D0APresident, Potters Council=3D0A=3D0A Chris Campbe=
ll Pot=3D
tery LLC=3D0ADesigns in Colored
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