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terra sig woes

updated fri 8 apr 11


sharonia628 on mon 4 apr 11

I've been trying to get a dark blue or teal terra sig (for use at low temps=
04-05). I have about a quart of good terra sig to which I have been adding
cobalt carb and testing - so far have added at least 5-6 teaspoons of cobal=
carb and I still haven't got it dark enough, can't figure out what gives
-usually a teeny bit of cobalt carb goes a long way. I don't want to use a
mason stain as I don't have a ball mill to grind it up enough.
For my green t.s. I use chrome oxide, am not particularly happy with that
color either, but know that copper carb will be fugitive in t.s.
I do have a lovely wine t.s. made with crocus martis.

Do I just keep adding cobalt (and a teeny bit of chrome to make it more
teal)? Right now it's an ugly bathroom blue. What do you (those who use ts)
use to color your terra sigs?
Any help appreciated.

Sharon La Rocca Miranda

sharonia628 on tue 5 apr 11

My first message didn't seem to go thru, trying again...

I've been trying to get a dark blue or teal terra sig (for use at low temps=
04-05). I have about a quart of good terra sig to which I have been adding
cobalt carb and testing - so far have added at least 5-6 teaspoons of cobal=
carb and I still haven't got it dark enough, can't figure out what gives
-usually a teeny bit of cobalt carb goes a long way. I don't want to use a
mason stain as I don't have a ball mill to grind it up enough.
For my green t.s. I use chrome oxide, am not particularly happy with that
color either, but know that copper carb will be fugitive in t.s.
I do have a lovely wine t.s. made with crocus martis. (you can see this one
on my website).

Do I just keep adding cobalt (and a teeny bit of chrome to make it more
teal)? Right now it's an ugly bathroom blue. What do you (those who use ts)
use to color your terra sigs?
Any help appreciated.

Sharon La Rocca Miranda

Sumi von Dassow on wed 6 apr 11


I'd try the mason stain. I have colored terra sig with mason stain with
no problem, though I've never tried to get a very dark color. Make
another batch of terra sig and experiment. You may simply not be able to
add enough of either stain or oxide to get it as dark as you want
without losing the sheen, however.

> Hi,
> I've been trying to get a dark blue or teal terra sig (for use at low tem=
> 04-05). I have about a quart of good terra sig to which I have been addin=
> cobalt carb and testing - so far have added at least 5-6 teaspoons of cob=
> carb and I still haven't got it dark enough, can't figure out what gives
> -usually a teeny bit of cobalt carb goes a long way. I don't want to use =
> mason stain as I don't have a ball mill to grind it up enough.
> For my green t.s. I use chrome oxide, am not particularly happy with that
> color either, but know that copper carb will be fugitive in t.s.
> I do have a lovely wine t.s. made with crocus martis.
> Do I just keep adding cobalt (and a teeny bit of chrome to make it more
> teal)? Right now it's an ugly bathroom blue. What do you (those who use t=
> use to color your terra sigs?
> Any help appreciated.
> Thanks!
> Sharon
> --
> Sharon La Rocca Miranda

Sumi von Dassow

C. Tullis on wed 6 apr 11

I agree with Sumi in that I have been able to get BLACK by adding Mason =
I believe # 6600 to a TS. Ball milling will help as well.

Jeanie Silver on thu 7 apr 11

Hi Sharon
You can get a good dark teal in a terra sig without ball milling with Mason
stain 6266 at about 10% dry weight addition. I have done this. You can do
a little mortar and pestle grinding if you didn't say whether
your terra sig was made with something like redart (for dark) or EPK (for
light)...if made with EPK, you might want to do a little more
grinding...hope this helps...
Jeanie in Pa.

Thomas G. Sawyer, M.D., J.D. on thu 7 apr 11

I use all colors of Mason and Bahama Breeze stains with Mary's Porcelain an=
occasionally Goldart to make TS. I ball mill for 18-24 hours after adding
the stain. Mary's Porcelain also makes a wonderful slip with just about any
clay that I've used. This I mix in a blender. See Axner/Laguna for Mary's.

Tom Sawyer

-----Original Message-----
From: Clayart [mailto:Clayart@LSV.CERAMICS.ORG] On Behalf Of C. Tullis
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2011 2:16 PM
Subject: Re: terra sig woes

I agree with Sumi in that I have been able to get BLACK by adding Mason
I believe # 6600 to a TS. Ball milling will help as well.