David Woof on fri 8 apr 11
Let's set our compass and sails for landing in Seattle 2012=3D3B and invest=
his coming year in building interest and enthusiasm for attending and contr=
ibuting support and/or creation of edifying presentations=3D2C programs and=
xhibitions. We have a Great North West well stocked with local Washington=
=3D2C Oregon=3D2C and B.C. clay people to help get the ground work laid to =
Seattle with clay energy.
Lets communicate and build on it.=3D20
I'm sure that those who attended Tampa found informative and rewarding expe=
riences and I don't think we need to create a list of all the depressing re=
asons=3D2C however valid=3D2C why some folks couldn't make it. It has been=
a t=3D
umultuous 2011 with many running the gamut of emotions=3D2C distress=3D2C a=
nd c=3D
Ignore the governmental=3D2C educational=3D2C institutional and political d=
ters. We are a small nation (Clayart and NCECA) in our own right and can s=
upport ourselves. Let's get over it and get on with it at the human level.=
I mean if one can't possibly make it=3D3B could you help another=3D2C or=
h go?
Play seriously in your studio!!! Eat the best healthy food available=3D3B=
drink the finest wine one can afford=3D2C make love with someone special of=
n=3D2C and save our dimes and pennies for Seattle.
14. So...the Tampaa 'nceca' -
Posted by: "pdp1" pdp1@EARTHLINK.NET=3D20
Date: Fri Apr 8=3D2C 2011 4:35 pm ((PDT))
I do not remember ever seeing so little for post-'nceca' Clayart mentions=
=3D2C as this one.
Did it seem to have a conspicuously low attendance?
Did the Commercial Hall=3D20
pdp1 on fri 8 apr 11
I do not remember ever seeing so little for post-'nceca' Clayart =3D
mentions, as this one.
Did it seem to have a conspicuously low attendance?
Did the Commercial Hall appear to have less Exhibitors than one =3D
remembered from prior events?
Susan Fox Hirschmann on sat 9 apr 11
I had lunch with a few members of the NCECA board that told me that attenda=
nce was way down.....3,000 out of a normal 7,000 that attended Phillie and =
Pittsburgh.----so you are right attendance did seem a bit low.
They attribute it to location rather than the week chosen, and that when lo=
cations that are not major larger cities, or the north east are chosen, the=
attendance is much less.=3DA0 They expect smaller attendance as well the n=
t couple of years.=3DA0=3D20
The programs were, as usual, well done,=3DA0 Ceramic history. Aesthetics, e=
n Yoga for Potters....all great events.......Gallery exhibits were =3DA0awe=
me....a true delight for the senses.=3DA0 The exhibit hall was smaller,...s=
e booths not full, and some clay companies just not even there.=3DA0 K-12 e=
ibit was just amazing!=3DA0 Potters Council show in St. Pete Beach was a te=
ific, meaningful show with great celebrations as PC celebrated its 10th ann=
iversary with its own show...."the Shoulders We Stand on!"=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0So=
many =3D
gallery shows!
So little time!=3DA0=3DA0 But then, that is always NCECA.=3DA0 One needs to=
s pick and choose and savor those choices, and not worry about the=3DA0exhi=
ts one has no time to see.=3DA0 Impossible to do it all.=3DA0 =3DA0
The clayart room, in the convention center, proved to be, as always, a mecc=
a for many of us to see old friends, meet new ones, and enjoy our wonderful=
community of others with equal passion about clay. Thank you, Mel, for mak=
ing all that happen for all of us! Thanks to Rebecca Knight for organizing =
another fun mug exchange--and to=3DA0all the=3DA0others=3DA0for their infor=
talks in Room 25. =3DA0 Thanks to all that came with goodies for snacking,=
or wine for drinking, for smiles and hugs and that sense of community that =
IS Clayart!
The programs in the clayart room were informative as well.=3DA0 My own talk=
n "Marketing from the Seat of your Pants" was quite well attended. I discus=
sed how to start and grow your own studio shows, at very low costs. I did h=
ave a hand out ...so if any of you would like to see it, email me off list =
and I will send you a copy.=3D20
I could go on and on about the many wonders and jam packed events of those =
2 1/2 very full days. Perhaps someone that actually took pictures there, wi=
ll post them for all of us. I brought a camera but decided to just savor th=
is=3DA0NCECA without a shutter in front of my face!=3DA0=3D20
Back to the studio now.=3DA0 I had my "fix" and now it is back to creating!
Warm regards to all,
susan fox hirschmann
--- On Fri, 4/8/11, pdp1 wrote:
From: pdp1
Subject: So...the Tampaa 'nceca' -
Date: Friday, April 8, 2011, 2:39 PM
I do not remember ever seeing so little for post-'nceca' Clayart mentions, =
as this one.
Did it seem to have a conspicuously low attendance?
Did the Commercial Hall appear to have less Exhibitors than one remembered =
from prior events?
Steve Mills on sat 9 apr 11
Yes & yes.=3D20
I still enjoyed it :-)
Steve M
Steve Mills
Sent from my Ipod touch
On 8 Apr 2011, at 19:39, pdp1 wrote:
> I do not remember ever seeing so little for post-'nceca' Clayart mentions=
as this one.
> Did it seem to have a conspicuously low attendance?
> Did the Commercial Hall appear to have less Exhibitors than one remembere=
from prior events?
John Britt on sat 9 apr 11
Budget woes have finally trickled down to the states.
I am going to bet that the very real budget constraints of state institut=
contributed to low attendance at NCECA. I know of several state schools t=
hat are=3D20
having to cut $50,000 or one person from the department. Don't think that=
are inclined to spend $2,000 to send faculty to NCECA.=3D20
But I could be wrong,
Vince Pitelka on sat 9 apr 11
John Britt wrote:
"Budget woes have finally trickled down to the states. I am going to bet
that the very real budget constraints of state institutions contributed to
low attendance at NCECA. I know of several state schools that are having to
cut $50,000 or one person from the department. Don't think that they are
inclined to spend $2,000 to send faculty to NCECA."
Hi John -
You have it exactly right. I was sad during NCECA week, missing seeing so
many close friends, missing the opportunity to meet new Clayart friends. I
have had a very busy semester, but the primary reason was financial. Once
again, we received no travel money. I have to admit that if I am going to
spend my own money to attend NCECA and publicize my clay program, the
Appalachian Center for Craft, and Tennessee Tech University, it has to be i=
a place I want to go, and I am afraid that south Florida does not qualify.
Seattle does, in a big way, so I will definitely be there next year.
I have been at TTU for 17 years, and this is the first time we have not had
a table in the exhibition hall, but we just couldn't justify it. We are
saving our pennies for next year.
- Vince
Vince Pitelka
Appalachian Center for Craft
Tennessee Tech University
vpitelka@dtccom.net; wpitelka@tntech.edu
Lisa Elbertsen on sun 10 apr 11
Oh don't worry, we're already a buzz here in the northwest. I have met a
ton of potters lately via my blog, Etsy and many through Facebook pages in
British Columbia, Alberta and Washington. We're all making plans on going
already even though it is 12 months away.
I can't wait as it will be my first one!!!!
Website: www.LisaElbertsen.com
Blog: www.sunnydazedesign.blogspot.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sunnydazedesignstudio
-----Original Message-----
From: David Woof [mailto:woofpots@HOTMAIL.COM]
Sent: April-08-11 10:00 PM
Subject: Re: So...the Tampaa 'nceca' -
Let's set our compass and sails for landing in Seattle 2012; and invest thi=
coming year in building interest and enthusiasm for attending and
contributing support and/or creation of edifying presentations, programs an=
exhibitions. We have a Great North West well stocked with local Washington=
Oregon, and B.C. clay people to help get the ground work laid to fill
Seattle with clay energy.
Lets communicate and build on it.
I'm sure that those who attended Tampa found informative and rewarding
experiences and I don't think we need to create a list of all the depressin=
reasons, however valid, why some folks couldn't make it. It has been a
tumultuous 2011 with many running the gamut of emotions, distress, and
Ignore the governmental, educational, institutional and political disasters=
We are a small nation (Clayart and NCECA) in our own right and can support
ourselves. Let's get over it and get on with it at the human level. I mea=
if one can't possibly make it; could you help another, or both go?
Play seriously in your studio!!! Eat the best healthy food available;
drink the finest wine one can afford, make love with someone special often,
and save our dimes and pennies for Seattle.
14. So...the Tampaa 'nceca' -
Posted by: "pdp1" pdp1@EARTHLINK.NET
Date: Fri Apr 8, 2011 4:35 pm ((PDT))
I do not remember ever seeing so little for post-'nceca' Clayart mentions,
as this one.
Did it seem to have a conspicuously low attendance?
Did the Commercial Hall
Paul Lewing on sun 10 apr 11
It was pretty plain that attendance was way down. The whole thing
seemed real slow and quiet. Except for the tornadoes.
About the only thing on the program I want to was the Glaze Doctors.
I'll go see JIm Robinson do anything any day. He and another guy
(whose name I unfortunately forget) are redoing the glazes at Rookwood
Pottery In Cincinnati. It was really amazing to hear how they test
and control their glazes. And it was really nice to hear Jon Singer
announce that he was saving a seat in the front row for Tom Buck, who
always would have been there offering helpful commentary. I think I
missed Tom more there than anyplace else. I wish I'd had time to get
to the Rococo Ceramics lecture, but I got waylaid.
Marci Blattenberger and I did our joint breakout group on china
painting again and it was nice to see so many people there. Even
though attendance was half what it was at the conference overall I
think we had about as many people as we did last year. I think china
paint is really beginning to be more widely accepted.
As to NCECA in Seattle next year, it would really be helpful to NCECA
if they could get a feel for how many people might want to come. They
really are having a hard time figuring because they knew that Tampa
would probably be low attendance. It always is when it's not
centrally located. Well, Seattle's not centrally located either, and
it's surrounded by more empty country than Tampa is. But there's more
of a mystique about Seattle. Lots of people seem to be saying that
even though it's out of the way, they'll come anyway. True?
I'll tell you a couple of ways in which Seattle will be different from
Tampa no matter how good or how bad a job NCECA does. In Tampa very
few of the hotels and restaurants were close to the convention
center. The Hyatt and Sheridan, which were the official NCECA hotels,
were at least a ten minute walk. There was a shuttle but it only ran
every half hour.
The convention center in Seattle is right in the heart of downtown,
and so is the Sheraton, the main conference hotel. There are plenty
of other hotels in easy walking distance. And the city buses are free
in the downtown area. So any time you need to go anywhere from the
waterfront to the freeway, or from Pioneer Square to as far north as
the Pike Place Market, you just hop on any bus going in the right
direction and get off when you want. There will be dozens of
galleries within that area and more within an easy walk to the north,
south and east. And the monorail goes from downtown to Seattle
Center, where there will be more shows. And Seattle is one of the
great restaurant towns of the US. It's a very hedonistic place.
Everybody knows about the coffee, but that's only part of it. The
artisan bread, the microbreweries, the wineries, the handmade
chocolate, the distilleries, the seafood, all of it is as wonderful as
the coffee.
And that rain we saw in Tampa- like a cow pissing on a flat rock, as
they say in Montana. It never rains like that in Seattle. It just
rains a little bit all the time. But hey, it's a dry rain.
Paul Lewing
Gregory on sun 10 apr 11
Having not attended NCECA in the past three years, I found Tampa lacking =
a bit disorganized. Also having my camera stolen did not help matters. Th=
saving grace was the St. Pete tour on Thursday evening. It had a good
display pottery. My hat is off to the organizers of that tour.=3D20
Eric Hansen on mon 11 apr 11
So - what Wood-Fire Pre-Conference events might include low
cost/camping on location & same calendar week as NCECA???
- h a n s e n -
On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 1:49 PM, jonathan byler wrote:
> this is a shame. =3DA0I had to pay most of my own way to go, but I learne=
> enough in the first day to more than make it worth it. =3DA0fortunately m=
> department is supportive of me going. =3DA0I bring back knowledge and
> ideas that benefit everyone (faculty and students) at a level much
> higher than the mere cost of a conference fee. =3DA0it is an investment
> well worth making. =3DA0it was close-ish to home, which helped defray som=
> of the costs... =3DA0 =3DA0I plan on finding a way to seattle next year.
> On Apr 9, 2011, at 12:09 PM, John Britt wrote:
>> Budget woes have finally trickled down to the states.
>> I am going to bet that the very real budget constraints of state
>> institutions
>> contributed to low attendance at NCECA. I know of several state
>> schools that are
>> having to cut $50,000 or one person from the department. Don't think
>> that they
>> are inclined to spend $2,000 to send faculty to NCECA.
>> But I could be wrong,
>> www.johnbrittpottery.com
Eric Alan Hansen
Stonehouse Studio Pottery
Alexandria, Virginia
"Simplify, simplify, simplify" - Thoreau
jonathan byler on mon 11 apr 11
this is a shame. I had to pay most of my own way to go, but I learned
enough in the first day to more than make it worth it. fortunately my
department is supportive of me going. I bring back knowledge and
ideas that benefit everyone (faculty and students) at a level much
higher than the mere cost of a conference fee. it is an investment
well worth making. it was close-ish to home, which helped defray some
of the costs... I plan on finding a way to seattle next year.
On Apr 9, 2011, at 12:09 PM, John Britt wrote:
> Budget woes have finally trickled down to the states.
> I am going to bet that the very real budget constraints of state
> institutions
> contributed to low attendance at NCECA. I know of several state
> schools that are
> having to cut $50,000 or one person from the department. Don't think
> that they
> are inclined to spend $2,000 to send faculty to NCECA.
> But I could be wrong,
> www.johnbrittpottery.com
Dan Hill on tue 12 apr 11
My NCECA experience was a bit of a Wash-Out.
Not because of the quality of the program, or the shows but we were affecte=
by the weather big time.
I was able to attend 2 half days, wed. afternoon I took in the vendors and
the exhibition areas at the conference center. I picked up some dolan tools
and a few other things and saw some great pots there. Thurs. morning I came
ready to spent a full day, took in a couple of discussions including the ^6
reduction talks in the clayart room, dropped off mugs at the exchange and
When I came out to the lobby at noon and looked outside it was torrential
rain, and heard folks talking about Tornado warnings for the St. Petersburg
area. Because we were camping very near there I started to think I needed
to get back to make sure Joyce and our gear was O.K. so I headed back over
the 6 mile long bridge through more blinding rain and wind. When I finally
got back to our campsite 90 minutes later, it was a bit of a disaster area
with palm fronds everywhere and a couple of palm trees down, our storage
tent was under a foot of water, so I spent the next several hours, between
violent thunder storms, moving our stuff and tents to higher ground. Joyce
was fine by the way, she was with a friend.
We spent that night in a motel and the next day moving our campsite, washin=
and drying all our clothes and gear, basically drying out.
Needless to say I missed the rest of the conference but did take in some
really good exhibitions of pots and claywork, the Potters Council show at
The Nancy Markoe gallery was really great, as well as the various shows at
The Train Station in St. Petersburg. The pots of Mackenzie Smith stand out
for me. I am sorry to have missed out on many things that were happening in
Tampa but even with the way things went I still feel that I got my moneys
worth and would encourage folks to take in NCECA if you get the chance. I
will try again soon but would definitely stay at the Hotel close by so as t=
take in the whole experience, and hide from the tornados.
I was not able to pick up my mug from the exchange but did hear from Mariam
that she was happy to receive mine. Sorry to not have had more time in the
clayart room,
Next time.
Dan Hill
Hill Pottery
^6 Soda Fired Porcelain and Stoneware
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