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call for entries: potters council juried show 2012

updated fri 22 apr 11


Chris Campbell on thu 21 apr 11

Potters Council 2012 Exhibition:=3D0A=3DE2=3D80=3D9CThe Chromatic Edge=3DE2=
=3D80=3D9D=3D0A =3D
=3D0AOnce again, we celebrate the community of our council =3D0A=3D0Awith=
a sho=3D
w of Members=3DE2=3D80=3D99 work in conjunction with NCECA =3D0A=3D0Ain 201=
e name of the show is =3DE2=3D80=3D9CThe Chromatic Edge=3DE2=3D80=3D9C.=3D0=
A=3D0AFor the =3D
third annual Members juried competition, Potters Council =3D0A=3D0Ais seek=
ing =3D
entries with an emphasis on the impact of color. =3D0A=3D0AThe majority o=
f th=3D
e composition should be ceramic with the focus =3D0A=3D0Aon color. Conside=
r t=3D
he full spectrum.=3D0A=3D0ATechniques and materials may include glazes, =
es, oxides, =3D0A=3D0Aengobes, slips, stains, underglazes, overglazes, co=
d clays, =3D0A=3D0Achina paints, inclusions, exclusions, lusters, pre and =
t firing =3D0A=3D0Aadditions and any variations.=3D0A=3D0AThe exhibition =
will be =3D
concurrently shown during the NCECA =3D0A=3D0AConference in Seattle in 20=
12, =3D
and will showcase the quality work =3D0A=3D0Amade by the Members of the P=
rs Council, an international organization.=3D0A =3D0AThe Chromatic Edge=
resses not the outer bounds of our work, =3D0A=3D0Abut some of the =3DE2=
dges=3DE2=3D80=3D9D that can occur within it. In ceramics, form is often =
en as paramount, and the visual surface may often become subordinate. =3D=
=3D0AHowever, no form can excel without surface, and color is one of its mo=
=3D0A=3D0Aevident properties. The edges and contacts between colors, and b=
en =3D0A=3D0Asurface and clay - can re-compose a work of art, and change ou=
r =3D
perception =3D0A=3D0Aof the most humble of pieces. Color can generate emoti=
on, =3D
create meaning =3D0A=3D0Asingle-handedly, or change what we think we unde=
nd. =3D0A=3D0AColor gives the =3DE2=3D80=3D9Cedge=3DE2=3D80=3D9D to ceramic=
s that use it we=3D
ll.=3D0A =3D0AIn this exhibition, we propose to showcase work that uses c=
in =3D0Athoughtful, =3D0A=3D0A=3D0Asubtle, bold, or innovative ways. We =
are chal=3D
lenging our Members to examine =3D0A=3D0Aand explore the use of color in t=
work. =3D0A=3D0AIt will be visually dramatic, thought-provoking, and bri=
ng c=3D
olor in from the =3D0Aperiphery =3D0A=3D0A=3D0Aof our endeavor right to c=
enter st=3D
age.=3D0A =3D0AFollow this link to get all the details of the exhibit and h=
ow t=3D
o submit your =3D0Awork.=3D0A
rs/2012-potters-council-juried-show/=3D0A=3D0A =3D0AWe are looking forward =
to ano=3D
ther fabulous show to follow our beautiful showcase =3D0A=3D0Ain Tampa. Can=
not =3D
wait to see what you send!!=3D0A=3D0AChris Campbell - in North Carolina=3D0=
APast =3D
President, Potters Council=3D0A=3D0AChris Campbell Pottery LLC=3D0ADesigns =
in Col=3D