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used plaster molds

updated fri 22 apr 11


Ingeborg Foco on thu 21 apr 11

I received an email from this person asking if I have a need for used
plaster molds or know anyone. I am forwarding this to the group and
if you are interested please contact Peter directly. Thank you.

I work for a company that makes insulators. Our hot press line uses
plaster molds to form the insulator shapes from wet clay and several
plunging operations. As a result of the abrasive clay and the cycling
of the molds through the line, we have a substantial amount of plaster
molds that become un-useable over time.

We have accumulated approximately 1+ tons of plaster molds that
contain Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate). These are large chunks of plaster
and not ground to powder form.

Do you have a need for this material, know of someone (or several
people) that may be interested and/or a contractor to a large supplier
like Georgia Pacific who may want this material?

Your help would be much appreciated since I would prefer not to
landfill the material.

Many thanks for your help.

Best regards,
Peter Sardano
Director of Business Development
Victor Insulators, Inc.
585-924-2127 x-244
