David on thu 21 apr 11
This has nothing to do with clay but it might help someone.=3D0AI woke up t=
s morning to find 2 notices each from Skype and Paypal telling me my automa=
tic re-charge had been triggered for my Skype account. I logged into Skype =
and found someone had gained access to my account and used it to make a ser=
ies of calls to Vietnam, using 3,000 yen in the process. I don't know how t=
he breach occurred but I did have an English word for a password. A blunt f=
orce attack could figure it out if Skype doesn't have a limit to login atte=
mpts. =3D0A=3D0AI was told by Skype it is my fault. Checking further it is =
a so=3D
mewhat common hack and there are hundreds of people out there talking about=
getting similar amounts stolen from their accounts.=3D0AI suggest, at a mi=
mum, turning off automatic re-charge on Skype. They won't refund your money=
even though they must be aware they have some serious security flaws. The =
other obvious thing to do, which I have, is a better password. I use Passwo=
rd Safe. It is free and I think it=3DA0 uses Blowfish and Triple DES for en=
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