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ron roy/stable glazes

updated sun 1 may 11


mel jacobson on sat 30 apr 11

i often thank ron for his help in getting my rhodes 32
to be a better, usable safe glaze.

we added rutile for the titanium, and
i now add silica to make it a tighter
more glass like glaze.

i may seem cavalier in glaze production,
but i am very concerned about the quality of my work.

visual excitement is one thing...crappy unsafe
glazes have no place in any studio.

we have some very fine professional glaze experts
on this list.

if you have deep questions or want personal help...
ask....and don't be a cheap dorko...offer to pay for
some help. get it done right.
i remember when tom buck did some pencil and paper
calc for my shino article. we had about 40 of
malcolm's recipes to vet....i sent him a hundred dollar bill
in a letter. he almost pee'd his pants.

from: minnetonka, mn
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