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glaze class in portland in june

updated sun 8 may 11


Chic Lotz on sat 7 may 11

The Oregon College of Arts and Crafts in Portland is presenting "Line
Blends for Glaze Surface and Color" June 9,10,11, and 12. The goal of
this intermediate level hands-on workshop with Chic Lotz is to develop
your own color palette of glazes. During the first two days, students
will perform hands-on mixing and firing of simple line blends to learn
how to achieve glaze surfaces and colors desired for sculpture or
dinnerware. You will discover how varying the ratios of the 3 major
glaze components affects stability, color, firing temperature, glaze
fit and glaze surface; learn how each ingredient functions in the
glaze; develop glossy, matte and textured surfaces; develop colors and
alter recipes. Bring ^10 glazes down to ^6. During the 3rd and 4th
day, students will develop a series of line blends to create their own
palette of surfaces and colors. We will fire them overnight in order
to discuss the results. Check For more information
check or call 971-255-4205 Connie Malone Extension
Program Registrar.