Lee Burningham on sun 15 may 11
Any crystalline glaze workshops out there anywhere this summer. I'm free =
from May 30th to August 15th. Anything in between there? Contact me =3D
privately at the school address above or at leeburningham@gmail.com
Lee Burningham
Lee Burningham on mon 16 may 11
No, I am not offering to teach any crystalline glaze workshops. I want to =
learn as much as possible about crystalline glazes at the feet of a =3D
master, getting my hands dirty in the process, rubbing shoulders with the =
rest of the workshop group. If there are no workshops, are there any =3D
potters using crystalline glazes that would like an unpaid assistant for a =
few days to provide a strong back and weak mind, taking care of any chores =
and studio tasks necessary?
Lee Burningham
Marcia Selsor on mon 16 may 11
I did my MFA thesis on crystalline glazes back in 1972. I used the =3D
Library of UI and a lot of hand written info from 1900 at the Ceramic =3D
Engineering Dept. in Champaign Urbana.
It seems there are a lot of good books on the topic now.
On May 16, 2011, at 10:24 AM, Lee Burningham wrote:
> Howdy,
> No, I am not offering to teach any crystalline glaze workshops. I want =
to learn as much as possible about crystalline glazes at the feet of a =3D
master, getting my hands dirty in the process, rubbing shoulders with =3D
the rest of the workshop group. If there are no workshops, are there any =
potters using crystalline glazes that would like an unpaid assistant for =
a few days to provide a strong back and weak mind, taking care of any =3D
chores and studio tasks necessary?
> Lee Burningham
Marcia Selsor
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