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nceca 2013

updated tue 24 may 11


Paul Lewing on thu 19 may 11

On May 19, 2011, at 6:31 PM, Veena Raghavan wrote:

Does anyone know where NCECA will be held in 2013. It does not go beyond
2012 on their website, as far as I can tell.

Paul Lewing

Veena Raghavan on thu 19 may 11

Does anyone know where NCECA will be held in 2013. It does not go beyond
2012 on their website, as far as I can tell.

Thank you in advance to anyone who has this information.


Jean Lehman on fri 20 may 11

They announced at the closing meeting that it would be in Houston.

Personal email is (not 733)

-----Original Message-----
>From: Veena Raghavan
>Sent: May 19, 2011 9:31 PM
>Subject: NCECA 2013
>Does anyone know where NCECA will be held in 2013. It does not go beyond
>2012 on their website, as far as I can tell.
>Thank you in advance to anyone who has this information.

The Strictly Functional Pottery National will open October 1, 2010.
Juror is Bill Van Gilder, who will give a demo workshop that weekend.
Entry deadline is June 1, with extension to June 10.
For past 5 exhibits, and more information and downloadable application,
check web site at:

Fisher Cheryl on fri 20 may 11

The word on NCECA facebook page is saying March 20-23, 2013 for Houston, =
Texas. They have not gotten it on their website yet.=3D20

Cheryl Fisher
Sarasota, FL

Fisher Cheryl on fri 20 may 11

According to their facebook page...........Houston

Cheryl Fisher
Sarasota, FL USA

On May 19, 2011, at 9:31 PM, Veena Raghavan wrote:

Does anyone know where NCECA will be held in 2013. It does not go beyond
2012 on their website, as far as I can tell.

Thank you in advance to anyone who has this information.


Hank Murrow on fri 20 may 11

On May 19, 2011, at 8:43 PM, Paul Lewing wrote:

> On May 19, 2011, at 6:31 PM, Veena Raghavan wrote:
> Does anyone know where NCECA will be held in 2013. It does not go beyond
> 2012 on their website, as far as I can tell.


Makes Seattle sound positively thrilling, as if it was not already!

Cheers, Hank in Eugene

Lee Burningham on fri 20 may 11

It was announced by Keith Williams in one of the member's business =3D
meetings that 2013 would be in Houston, Texas.=3D20

>>> Paul Lewing 5/19/2011 9:43 PM >>>
On May 19, 2011, at 6:31 PM, Veena Raghavan wrote:

Does anyone know where NCECA will be held in 2013. It does not go beyond
2012 on their website, as far as I can tell.

Paul Lewing

John Goode on sat 21 may 11

Hi All
Im 150 miles east of Houston...Looking forward to hosting folks for some
clay digging and wood burning, camping and maybe a workshop or two @
Thanks John Goode

On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 1:10 PM, Lee Burningham <> wrote:

> Howdy,
> It was announced by Keith Williams in one of the member's business meetin=
> that 2013 would be in Houston, Texas.
> Lee
> >>> Paul Lewing 5/19/2011 9:43 PM >>>
> On May 19, 2011, at 6:31 PM, Veena Raghavan wrote:
> Does anyone know where NCECA will be held in 2013. It does not go beyond
> 2012 on their website, as far as I can tell.
> Houston.
> Paul Lewing

Gregory on sat 21 may 11

Announced at Tampa, Houston 2013.

Overall's on sun 22 may 11

Phil wrote:

"If I do the 'nceca' ( "Bison duz Houston"?, I guess..? But in a nice way, =
course! ) I will wear a hemmed brim tall crown wide Gross-Grained Band 1930=
'Carlsbad'...(...and, maybe, have a decent enough Merwin Hulbert SA open-to=
p, in .44
Russian, or an S&W 2nd Mdl HE in .44 Special, or something charming anyway =
though I do not have any Cols SAAs -=3DA0 in a Shoulder Holster, over my Su=
Vest, under my Jacket.

Heck, maybe even a 2nd gen Walker...

I am a Texan afterall, lamenting the error of taste and judgement which was
represented by 'joining' the so called ( "Puh-Toooey" ) 'Union' ( read 'Hot=
el California', I s'pose...) and not having stayed it's own Republic.

Oh sigh...
And damn...
But anyway...

Here's a link for you:

John Gangel has been our (TGCA) auctioneer these past few years and he's ha=
ving a few auctions before NCECA if you have a mind to stock up on anything=
in particular.=3DA0 Be mindful the airlines are a might picky these days e=
n with Bin Laden gone.=3DA0 The government likes to add to their collection=
ou know so drive if you're packin'.

My husband will love to meet you.=3DA0 He's the gun collector and I've got =
e machinist blood.=3DA0 I like Glocks and AK47's, stainless and titanium, b=
most fellow church members prefer the Sig Sauer's.

Kim in H-town

Taylor Hendrix on sun 22 may 11

Yahoo! Who wants to come down for some fishing?
On May 21, 2011 1:07 PM, "Gregory" wrote:
> Announced at Tampa, Houston 2013.

Overall's on sun 22 may 11


I don't know how I feel about that because I like traveling out of town eve=
n though the last time I went was in the 90's in New Orleans.=3DA0 So I gue=
I'll be there, or here when it comes.

It will be interesting for sure, but instead of boas, can everybody wear a =
cowboy hat with a clay theme?=3DA0 Bolo ties with a clay theme are as accep=
ble since they don't take up as much room in luggage.

Ceramic Bolo tie competition anyone?
Mug exchange with Texas theme?

I look forward to seeing some ceramic sculptures!!!!!

Houston doesn't have the nature settings potters appreciate like the mounta=
ins, grand forests and the ocean, but the natives are certainly friendly. G=
eez, I sure hope the weather is not sweltering.=3DA0 If it is, we can find =
me swimming pools to party at.=3DA0 Not mine as it's too small (it's a catt=
trough water tank).

Kim in Houston

pdp1 on sun 22 may 11

Hi Kim,

If I do the 'nceca' ( "Bison duz Houston"?, I guess..? But in a nice way, o=
course! ) I will wear a hemmed brim tall crown wide Gross-Grained Band 1930=

(...and, maybe, have a decent enough Merwin Hulbert SA open-top, in .44
Russian, or an S&W 2nd Mdl HE in .44 Special, or something charming anyway =
though I do not have any Cols SAAs - in a Shoulder Holster, over my Suit
Vest, under my Jacket.

Heck, maybe even a 2nd gen Walker...

I am a Texan afterall, lamenting the error of taste and judgement which was
represented by 'joining' the
so called ( "Puh-Toooey" ) 'Union' ( read 'Hotel California', I s'pose...)
and not having stayed it's own Republic.

Oh sigh...

And damn...

But anyway...



----- Original Message -----
From: "Overall's"


I don't know how I feel about that because I like traveling out of town eve=
though the last time I went was in the 90's in New Orleans. So I guess I'll
be there, or here when it comes.

It will be interesting for sure, but instead of boas, can everybody wear a
cowboy hat with a clay theme? Bolo ties with a clay theme are as acceptable
since they don't take up as much room in luggage.

Ceramic Bolo tie competition anyone?
Mug exchange with Texas theme?

I look forward to seeing some ceramic sculptures!!!!!

Houston doesn't have the nature settings potters appreciate like the
mountains, grand forests and the ocean, but the natives are certainly
friendly. Geez, I sure hope the weather is not sweltering. If it is, we can
find some swimming pools to party at. Not mine as it's too small (it's a
cattle trough water tank).

Kim in Houston