gary navarre on mon 20 jun 11
Hey Folks,
Well even though this firing didn't get as hot as I'd hoped a few pieces u=
p front showed some potential to clean up into keepers ...
... and some will get smashed because I need to relieve a real piss off! I =
guess the rest will get fired again, somewhere, unless I get more fuel and =
pots up before Christmas. I'm imagining increasing the load density with fl=
ower pots sagger stacked with glazed pieces on shells inside. If the inside=
pieces don't glaze at least the flowerpot/sagger would sell. If I got glaz=
ed pieces they would be smooth without all the rough ash this kiln seems to=
produces. I could control how much ash gets through with holes in the flow=
erpots and make them Orchid planters.
Gary Navarre
Navarre Pottery
Navarre Enterprises
Norway, Michigan, USA
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