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legacy oral history workshop - early registration prices end july =

updated fri 1 jul 11


Nicole Lopez-Hagan on wed 29 jun 11


17th Annual Annual Legacy Oral History Workshop
Museum of Performance & Design, San Francisco
August 4-6, 2011

Early registration for the seventeenth annual Legacy Oral History Workshop =
the Museum of Performance & Design ends this Friday.

In a three-day intensive led by oral historians Jeff Friedman PhD and Basya
Petnick, learn how to plan, organize, and conduct fascinating interviews, u=
current technologies to produce digital media projects, refine your editing
skills, and prepare oral history print texts for printing or publication.

Register by July 1st for $350. After that, the fee is $400.

Please see our website for more complete information:

If you have questions or wish to request a registration form, please email