Sumi von Dassow on mon 25 jul 11
Well, you can use it as slip, mix colorants into it if you want. James
Watkins says it is good for fixing cracks in greenware but I haven't
found it to help when I've tried it. Usually I throw it away, it isn't
very expensive after all and you can end up putting too much time into
saving something that is not very valuable.
> Hi everyone
> I made some terra sig recently - (btw, thanks to Vince Pitelka for an
> excellent recipe on his website, the terra sig starts to shine on it's ow=
> after a few applications) but now I am left with the sludge and don't kno=
> whether I have to throw it away or if there is something else I can do wi=
> it. Can someone give me some ideas? Thanks.
> Carol
> Ottawa, Ontario
Sumi von Dassow on mon 25 jul 11
Hi everyone=3D0D
I made some terra sig recently - (btw, thanks to Vince Pitelka for an
excellent recipe on his website, the terra sig starts to shine on it's ow=
after a few applications) but now I am left with the sludge and don't kno=
whether I have to throw it away or if there is something else I can do wi=
it. Can someone give me some ideas? Thanks.=3D0D
Ottawa, Ontario=3D0D
Vince Pitelka on tue 26 jul 11
Carol wrote:
"I made some terra sig recently - (btw, thanks to Vince Pitelka for an
excellent recipe on his website, the terra sig starts to shine on it's =3D
after a few applications) but now I am left with the sludge and don't =3D
whether I have to throw it away or if there is something else I can do =3D
it. Can someone give me some ideas? Thanks."
Hi Carol -=3D20
=3DEF=3DBB=3DBFI will be glad to read what others suggest, but I have never=
found a good use for the sludge. I just let it dry in the bottom of the =
five-gallon bucket, and then toss it in the trash. It is deflocculated, =
and all the finest particles have been removed, so it is not very =3D
plastic and should not be added to a claybody. Clay is cheap, and we =3D
generally select the materials that work best for our needs. It's not =3D
very practical to go to any trouble tweaking the terra sig sludge to =3D
make it perform a particular function.
- Vince =3DEF=3DBB=3DBF=3D20
Vince Pitelka
Appalachian Center for Craft
Tennessee Tech University;
Carole Fox on wed 27 jul 11
The best use that I have found is to pour it down the groundhog holes! =3D
After a few times, it sends 'em packin'!
Carole Fox
Silver Fox Pottery
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