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lawrence tech's large kiln

updated sun 14 aug 11


John Post on fri 12 aug 11

My wife, son and I have have been visiting colleges since he is
heading into his junior year of high school. Today we visited
Lawrence Tech in Southfield Michigan.

Their engineering program has a very large kiln. They got it after
the September 11th attacks to research if there was a way to retrofit
architectural structures to keep them upright longer in a similar type
of emergency. The kiln is fiber, at least a foot thick, has a steel
door that slides up revealing the kiln's interior, has a brick floor
and can be fired up to three thousand degrees. They fire this thing
all the time according to the person giving us a tour. I wonder what
their gas bill is. This kiln looks almost as large as my studio, it's
that big. I uploaded a picture of the kiln to my Photobucket site.
I am standing in front of it to give it a sense of scale.

John Post
Sterling Heights, Michigan

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