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fw: standing wheels

updated sat 8 oct 11


Derek Kasper on fri 7 oct 11

Another idea might be to use threaded legs intended for tube scaffolding.
It is coarse threaded steel with a large extended threaded bar that you tur=
to lift and even the legs on the scaffolding. It looks about the right
diameter to fit inside of wheel legs. You could just screw it up and down
to adjust the legs. See Screw Jack w/ base plate in the link..

Derek Kasper
From Victoria, BC

-----Original Message-----
From: mel jacobson [mailto:melpots2@VISI.COM]
Sent: October-06-11 11:35 AM
Subject: standing wheels

i was thinking? i bet one could make
a nice set of three legs for a brent from
that heavy gauge pvc sewer pipe.

i would glue on the pvc caps on the bottom
and slide the legs to the wheel right into
the pipe. several sizes of diameter, and cut
to perfect length.
slick. just a few bucks.

i had invented small lego type blocks of plastic
that would add a few inches to any wheel. stack
up a couple for a taller person.
no wheel manufacturing company gave a damn about
the idea.

wheel height fits no one perfectly.
i thought lifts would be really cool.
to hell with the idea.
from: minnetonka, mn
clayart link: