Patricia Harden on wed 12 oct 11
A Jenny Lou Sherburne workshop will be held Dec 10-11 at Rockingham=3D20
Community College in Wentworth, NC. Jenny has been a studio potter for o=
twenty-five years and earned a MFA in Ceramics from Louisiana State=3D20
University under Joe Bova and Linda Arbuckle. In this two-day workshop u=
a potter's wheel, Jenny will make and alter forms, assemble and decorate =
pieces to create her "sculptural" pottery. Jenny's pottery is often brig=
colored, fun, whimsical and humorous with her inspiration ranging from ga=
cloves to onion domes, from the Isle of Crete of to the Land of Oz and f=
Antonio Gaudi to Dr. Seuss. The cost for members is $60 and non-members i=
$70. Registration forms are available on the Carolina Clay guild website=
, but it=3D20
would be good to have them available at the meeting with the photos of he=
work for those that are not familiar. I'm attaching photos and the flier=
if you=3D20
want to share them with the group.
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