David Woof on fri 21 oct 11
Hi Lee=3D2C
"Lucky"???...whatever I guess=3D2C but my observation is that when folks tr=
t to luck=3D2C
eventually she turns on you like the fickle whore she is reputed to be.
So trust the common sense of your educated customer base=3D2C pray to the "=
dy"=3D2C and let the attorney=3D2C she chose for you=3D2C argue common law =
for wh=3D
at the reasonable man would do because that's likely all you will have goin=
g for you.
Sounds like a plan!!! In the vernacular of the ignorant man=3D3B "chances a=
it will never happen."
I write from the position that Clayart hasn't become just another Clay Face=
or Clay Twitter.=3D20
I value the sincere postings from folks who write to educate and share rele=
vant information with each other and sometimes to persuade others to action=
on vital issues.
Since there are indeed many favorite or preferred ways to "skin a cat" I to=
o write not my dogma=3D2C but to raise questions and invite considered thou=
David Woof
On Wed=3D2C Oct 19=3D2C 2011 at 7:55 AM=3D2C Lee w=
I am lucky in having a pretty well educated customer base.
Usually=3D2C what folks are asking for is a common sense response=3D2C and =
technical specs.
Lee Love in Minneapolis
4a. Re: Microwave Safe?
Posted by: "David Woof" woofpots@HOTMAIL.COM=3D20
Date: Wed Oct 19=3D2C 2011 4:00 am ((PDT))
I think enough technical good has been said regarding water=3D2C iron=3D2C =
sity etc=3D2C=3D20
but we also really need to be conscious of the legal interpretation of the =
safety assurances regarding our work that we state.=3DA0=3D20
How would the court or a jury view some of the promises and statements we m=
ake if a suit were filed.
Not picking to single you out Tig but a good point is raised by your words.=
Tig says: <"I tell my customers that none of the toxic substances are used =
in the making of my pottery">=3D20
<"When a customer is examining my pottery=3D2C the most-often asked=3D20
question is=3D2C "Is it microwave safe? Dishwasher safe?" I=3D2C of course=
certify that it is=3D2C that I have done extensive testing in using and=3D2=
washing my own wares before offering them to the public-at-large.">
How can anyone know this? How long is your list of substances universally a=
ccepted as toxic?
How could you support the statements and certifications you make if anythin=
g became a legal issue?=3DA0=3D20
What proof do you have that that you likely would not have said what you ar=
e accused of saying?
In this increasingly litigious world one is cruising for a legal bruising b=
y talking to much and not thinking about the possible ways our words will b=
e understood by the consumer and arguable in a court of law when someone br=
ings a suit against you because of their misinterpretation of one's well in=
tended advice.
People who typically sue over these matters are folks who don't make a pers=
onal connection between responsibility and consequences: and so take no res=
ponsibility for the out come of their actions and as such are unconscious l=
iars.=3DA0 By the time they get to court the rehearsal of these lies to sel=
f =3D
are fixed as outraged fact in their minds and it will be a field day for al=
l in court except you.
Get what you wish your customers to know about your work into written form =
to be printed in a brochure. And working with a creative attorney=3D2C one =
n craft this in a non scary form that will give your clients confidence and=
accurate information and still protect you with a defensible position shou=
ld you need it.=3D20
Of course do your research and have your facts in order. Then when accused=
=3D3B you can first duck behind the shelter of your brochure as your public=
tatement. Unless they have recorded you blathering on and on...you have the=
high ground and your attorney has something to work with.
When folks ask: A short list in the brochure of commonly asked questions an=
concise factual answers is where you can direct their attention and
these serve as protective "crib notes" to keep you on track as well.=3D20
It also indicates to them that you are a concerned professional who has put=
thought=3D2C money and effort into serving their interests.
If your materials supplier can certify and attest to something as non toxic=
or safe when used properly one can defer to them.
I never certify anything.=3DA0 I will not state more than that 'I use and c=
e for my pots in the commonly accepted ways in question but that I do not a=
dvise others to do so'
If this is said with a pleasant but "you know what I mean" eye communicatio=
n=3D2C they get it and then I direct their attention to the Q&A in my broch=
If they don't "get it" they are trouble in the making=3D2C so point them ov=
toward the ugly pots with scratchy bottoms booth.=3D20
Even if one works as a part timer=3D2C a Hobbyist=3D2C or whatever=3D2C one=
can s=3D
trive to professionalism in ethics=3D2C personal growth through life=3D2C i=
n co=3D
ntinuing education=3D2C and staying on top of where the technical informati=
=3D2C attitudes and beliefs are today. This is a life lived!!!
David Woof
Lee on fri 21 oct 11
On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 12:01 PM, David Woof wrote:
> "Lucky"???.
Yes David, fortunate. I live in an oasis of folks who have a good
knowledge of functional pottery. It was similar in Japan.
Neither are deserts of ceramic knowledge.
>I never certify anything. I will not state more than that 'I use and care
> for my pots in the commonly accepted ways in question but that I do
> not advise others to do so'
When you create a relationship with your supporters, you
don't have to behave like a tricky lawyer.
>If they don't "get it" they are trouble in the making, so point them over =
>toward the ugly pots with scratchy bottoms booth.
In Mashiko, one of the rituals at the 12 day pottery festival is that
potters always run a whetstone on the feet of pots they sell. Of
course, they need no smoothing, because that is all done before the
pots leave the studio, but it is done in front of the customer again,
for their benefit, but also to announce the sale of a pot to all the
other fellow potters selling at the fair. It is a good day when you
hear continuous ringing.
=3DA0Lee Love in Minneapolis
=3DA0"Ta tIr na n-=3DF3g ar chul an tI=3D97tIr dlainn trina ch=3DE9ile"=3D9=
7that is, =3D
land of eternal youth is behind the house, a beautiful land fluent
within itself." -- John O'Donohue
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