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speed, wheels, instant gratification, kilns that blow up pots and =

updated tue 18 oct 11


Deborah Thuman on mon 17 oct 11

I'm only partway through my morning caffeine

The kiln that blows up pots has a computer controller and the teacher
can't figure out how to program a firing? Did I read that right?
That's another reason why I like the fully manual gas kiln. I have to
think and do the work. I can mess up, but I can't program it wrong.

Give me all your glazes that you worked to develop and I will use them
to make money for me. Oh. And what's in it for the person who
developed the glazes? I believe that situation would be a working
definition of chutzpah. Or maybe it's a better definition of theft. I
still haven't finished my morning caffeine.

I was talking to my first clay teacher at services Friday night. She
agreed that one has to make several experimentation pieces before one
gets the piece one wants. She managed to get her ceramic candle
holders to hold candles; but only after many tries. Me, I buy drip
cups and plan on incorporating the drip cup into my design.

I can't remember how many years it's been, but I still play with clay.
What happens if I do this? Hmmm.... nice design, but I screwed it up
at the corners by not joining properly. I was in a hurry. I was taking
shortcuts. Rethink. Redesign. What happens if I fire low fire in
reduction (see my blog for the results)? Okay... now I know not to do
that again. At least I got rid of that wild hair. Maybe the next wild
hair will work out better.

After I pulled a hamstring on the kickwheel, I about gave up throwing.
I gave it a few more tries on an electric wheel, and decided that I
had enough aggravation in my life without adding a wheel, so I stick
with hand building. I'm slowly learning that anything I want to make,
I can coil build. Interesting.

Okay. I finished my morning caffeine and now it's time to get ready
and go to work. I have people to defend, rights to uphold, and have to
figure out which hat works for me today.

Deb Thuman