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icebag on forehead time: magnesium and empty bowls, wedging t=

updated thu 17 nov 11


KATHI LESUEUR on mon 14 nov 11


On Nov 14, 2011, at 8:01 AM, Lili Krakowski wrote:
> <<be GOOD bowls--well made, safely glazed, and so on. The aesthetics are =3D
secondary. And one can see that if soup/cereal bowls are wanted, teensy =
bowls or huge ones might be declined. But to turn Empty Bowls into a =3D
juried show? Good grief!>>

Years ago I was asked to donate a piece for a local organization. When =3D
the person came to pick it up she wasn't happy with the piece and wanted =
to see what else I had. Her boyfriend looked like he wanted to =3D
disappear. I told her that was it, take it or leave it. I later heard =3D
that the next year she asked artists to submit several items from which =3D
she would then choose one. She specified a minimum dollar amount the =3D
pieces should be worth. People often think they are doing artists a =3D
favor by having them donate a work for their organization's event. I now =
turn down almost everyone. And, I let them know that I CAN NOT deduct =3D
the value of the piece, only the materials and I've already deducted =3D


Ric Swenson on wed 16 nov 11


I did "bowls" for many years ...while in Atlanta....but each Thursday...all=
year long..... my sister and I went to the "soup kitchen" and made and ser=
ved bread and soup to the the Lutheran Church. at that time=
...2000- 2005....Bowls was a small part ..but important.

do what you can.

BUT do not be tooooo picky.

a donation is a donation.....shape matters less than the thought.



> Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2011 15:20:46 -0500
> Subject: Re: Icebag on forehead time: magnesium and empty bowls, wedging =
> On Nov 14, 2011, at 8:01 AM, Lili Krakowski wrote:
> > <<GOOD bowls--well made, safely glazed, and so on. The aesthetics are second=
ary. And one can see that if soup/cereal bowls are wanted, teensy bowls or =
huge ones might be declined. But to turn Empty Bowls into a juried show? Go=
od grief!>>
> Years ago I was asked to donate a piece for a local organization. When th=
e person came to pick it up she wasn't happy with the piece and wanted to s=
ee what else I had. Her boyfriend looked like he wanted to disappear. I tol=
d her that was it, take it or leave it. I later heard that the next year sh=
e asked artists to submit several items from which she would then choose on=
e. She specified a minimum dollar amount the pieces should be worth. People=
often think they are doing artists a favor by having them donate a work fo=
r their organization's event. I now turn down almost everyone. And, I let t=
hem know that I CAN NOT deduct the value of the piece, only the materials a=
nd I've already deducted them.