Steve Mills on wed 16 nov 11
I suspect that was made for Jerry by a local Blacksmith. In more than thirt=
years of tool obsession I've never met one like it made commercially.=3D20
When I first came across him in a video many years ago he was=
sing it then as a young man.=3D20
Steve M
Steve Mills
Sent from my Ipod touch
On 15 Nov 2011, at 04:10, Rebecca Feest wrote:
> I second this, where can I find that lifting device!!!??? I've been looki=
g all over=3D20
> for two days but I can't seem to find anyone that sells them....
> ~Becca Feest=3D20
Pottery by John on wed 16 nov 11
I wonder if you could just reverse a pair of calipers and do the same thing=
or use them as a pattern idea for a smithy, or carpenter, to make one for
you. Me, I just learned to have patience, throw with less water and take
them off with my hands and a light touch. I will say they look more pot
friendly than the typical pair of pot lifters one sees at pottery suppliers=
John Lowes
Sandy Springs, Georgia
----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Mills"
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 5:42 AM
Subject: Re: Wall mounted wire for wire wedging- now re. Pot lifters
I suspect that was made for Jerry by a local Blacksmith. In more than thirt=
years of tool obsession I've never met one like it made commercially.
When I first came across him in a video many years ago he was
using it then as a young man.
Steve M
Steve Mills
Sent from my Ipod touch
On 15 Nov 2011, at 04:10, Rebecca Feest wrote:
> I second this, where can I find that lifting device!!!??? I've been
> looking all over
> for two days but I can't seem to find anyone that sells them....
> ~Becca Feest
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