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studio potter archive and review of nj potters guild show

updated mon 28 nov 11


Verizon (judymusicant) on sun 27 nov 11

Hello Potters,

Hello. It=3DE2=3D80=3D99s been a long time since I posted but I=3DE2=3D80=
=3D99ve =3D
been lurking back here and pleased to see many of the same voices I was =3D
seeing 12 or more years ago. Anyway, if you haven=3DE2=3D80=3D99t checked =
out =3D
the on-line source =3DE2=3D80=3D93 Studio Potter Archive- I recommend you d=
o =3D
so. One of the more interesting (ahem) items on it most recently was a =3D
review of the Potters Guild of NJ fall show in Mountainside, NJ held on =3D
Nov. 12-13. You can find it at and =3D
click on articles. Lots of other goodies on that site as well. By the =3D
way, our show brought in just under $20,000 for the weekend. Not quite =3D
a record for us, but not far from it. Thankfully, we haven=3DE2=3D80=3D99t=
been hit very hard by the nasty economy. Guess our patrons =3D
can=3DE2=3D80=3D99t resist all the yummy pottery. Lots of other great stuf=
f =3D
on the site.

Happy holidays all.

Judy Musicant