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moldy bottoms, sealer and microwaving

updated wed 28 jan 98


shelford on tue 27 jan 98

Hi George - do you mean something like Thompson's Water Seal, and what does
that do to make a difference in the microwave oven???
- Veronica

>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>One approach would be to seal the bottom of the pot with an organosilicate
>sealer, as used to winterize garden pots so they dont absorb water and
>freeze and crack. You can probably get it in garden shops. I do all my
>earthenware with it. It gets around the problem of the pot overheating in
>the microwave oven too. George
>At 07:35 AM 1/22/98 EST, you wrote:
>>The problem is: quite a few of these lovely pieces are growing a black mold
>>on their unglazed bottoms. T
Veronica Shelford
s-mail: P.O. Box 6-15
Thetis Island, BC V0R 2Y0
Tel: (250) 246-1509