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yellow stuff

updated tue 6 dec 11


Rand O'Brien on mon 5 dec 11

Hi folks,
IMHO, I have always understood yellow ochre actually is a clayey
yellow oxide. Go to the ochre beds at Kootenay Provincial Park in
Canada and see the beautiful colors of iron oxides in clay. A sacred
place for Native Americans where, it is my understanding weapons were
laid down for the common resource needed for face/body
paints. Yellow iron oxide is another animal and is more consistent
and a stronger iron monger in glazes/clay. I added a touch of yellow
ochre to my porcelain in woodfire as it created wonderful pinkish
flashes on the porcelain. But yellow oxide did not produce the
lusters on my shinos like yellow ochre, no matter how I tired. Mixed
the tops, once, on containers and that was a fun summer!! I now mark
on the sides of such things. Just my experience.
Rand O'Brien

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