David Woof on tue 6 dec 11
Dear Rudy=3D2C=3D20
your post is sincere and well meaning and I agree with much of what you hav=
e said=3D3B but I also have to say that I believe=3D2C and have put into pr=
ce from many years of parenting=3D2C observing and teaching at all levels=
=3D2C =3D
preschool to university and college art programs=3D2C that the way to feed =
eir fire is to go where the first primary interest flickers from within.=3D=
This is also where interest and respect for you as a teacher begins to form=
as well=3D3B because they see that you respect where they are at and what =
ey feel they need.=3DA0 (effective teaching is not about making decisions a=
ut what is best for someone else and then seeking to control the outcome of=
that decision.)
Once this relationship of mutual respect is built the student will watch=3D=
model and emulate our activities and behavior. (this is a weighty responsi=
bility for the educator) I say educator because the old Latin root of our w=
ord educate carried the sense of "to draw out or bring forth"
Start where they are already and you have a ready made student. This is whe=
re ones leadership as a teacher plays the finest notes. =3DA0 A true leader=
eads without the perception of being led.
Thus their own respect for you and innate curiosity will lead them to watch=
and try the activities=3D20
and demonstrations of the instructor.=3DA0 Fascination will trigger=3D20
Children old enough not to eat the clay are already way ahead of cookie=3D2=
cutter projects and controlling teachers if you let them have "at it"=3D2C =
et in there with them=3D2C and let your own inner little girl or boy out to=
lay=3D2C sing=3D2C and dance=3D2C)=3D20
and 6 and 7 year olds are sophisticated enough to begin the wheel if=3D20
that is a passion for them and they have an able teacher who doesn't=3D20
have to jump in and control everything.=3DA0=3D20
Best way to turn someone off is to try too hard to turn them on!!!
Buy the wheel=3D2C slow it down=3D2C don't let them throw while wearing loo=
se o=3D
dangling anything that may get caught and snarled up in the clay or=3D20
wheel head.=3DA0 Soft clay=3D2C slow turning wheel!!!
If in time the interest idles=3D2C potters wheels always retain their resal=
e =3D
value. (Try to find a good used one for sale of all that are sitting in the=
dream of someday "I'll get to it again" storage.)
I used to have a dealership with Creative Industries=3D2C primarily to give=
y students at "Earth and Fire School of Clay Art and Craft" a discount pric=
e on a good solid wheel.=3DA0 The proof of the Clay Boss wheel came from th=
r stand up to class room use in my school which used Clay Boss wheels from =
1997 until 2009 when I closed to begin teaching at Yavapai college.=3D20
I do not know the Clay Boss Wheels since Speed Ball bought out Creative ind=
ustries=3D2C but if Vince says they are good I believe it from him because =
keeps up on things like potters equipment and he puts his name and reputat=
ion on what he says.
I still have four old Clay Bosses still humming along with no down time in =
my high school art class for New Visions Academy.
Be well=3D2C=3DA0 Misneach=3D2C=3D20
David Woof
2b. Re: wheels for kids
Posted by: "Rudy Tucker" rudytucker@VERIZON.NET=3D20
Date: Mon Dec 5=3D2C 2011 5:29 pm ((PST))
You ask what is the best potters wheel for a 6 or 7 year old child?
I know that I am not answering your question but......... I think that you
should tell her to come back in 6 or 7 years for your answer.
I believe that it is more important for kids of this age to be involved
in a more creative endevor than training themselves to turn a symmetrical
on the wheel. Let them just explore the soft pliable clay and allow it to
speak to
their imaginations. They can bring terrific expressions of their inner
thoughts and fantasies to life by hand building=3D2C pinching or whatever. =
clay and a little encouragement and let them go at it. 12 to 14 year olds
will be physically more suited to wheel work.
There will be plenty of time for them to hone their technical skills later
and hopefully they will retain their creative energy (but only if they are
allowed to explore it early on) to apply those skills to.
just my two cents=3D2C
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