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les, use my photos

updated sun 26 feb 12


mel jacobson on sat 25 feb 12

that is why i post them.

my students used that technique all the time.
some clay and a paint brush.

adults would be stunned at the sets those kids made.
it is so easy. and a nice hardwood rib, cut in the shape
of the inside of the plate. makes the curve the same
each time.
i actually cannot remember where i saw it first.
mackenzie/from the leach/used a little metal tab
on a hinge. it worked but was clumsy in my view.

this is so slick. i know i have used it for years.
who knows who did it first...probably some chinese
potter 300 years ago.

cleaning handles.
i use small pieces of bamboo in a variety of sizes.

dannon just emailed me and reminded me that i had
made her a tiny bamboo handle smoother..years back.
she still uses it all the time. they just get more and more
smooth. i really like those tiny tools with a sort of ball
on the end....a piece of sandpaper does the job. scrap
bamboo is a miracle material for tools. and, they make
such great gifts...i bet their are dozens of clayarters that
still have tools i have made for them.
clayart page below: