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space left in the post nceca tea bowl workshop in tacoma, wa.

updated mon 12 mar 12


Rick Mahaffey on sat 10 mar 12

We still have some spots left for the post NCECA Tea Bowl workshop at =3D
Tacoma Community College.
The workshop runs from 2 pm to 8 pm on Saturday March 31 and continues =3D
April 1 from 10 am to 4 pm. On Saturday near the end of the day we will =
have a light meal to allow the folks attending to have a chance to chat =3D
with the various presenters.
The presenters are Jeff Shapiro, Richard Milgrim, Inayoshi Osamu, and =3D
Rob Fornell.

There will be two presenters working and talking at a time in this =3D
workshop. We will tour the NCECA Tea Ware from the Edge exhibit on =3D
Saturday with commentary from the presenters.

The cost is $190.00 for the two days.
email : to reserve a spot and then send a check =3D
made out to the TCC Foundation and put ICE-Workshop in the memo line. =3D
Send the check to?:
Rick Mahaffey
TCC Art Dept.=3D20
6501 So 19th St
Tacoma, WA 98466

I will email confirmation once your check is received.

Thank you,
Rick Mahaffey