jd.steveni@COMCAST.NET on wed 2 may 12
Here's what I do:
SeaMix5 tan body bisqued to ^04 + RR's Licorice black, over Tagg's Yard Rea=
ctive Slip. Friend of mine Harry Horlock Stringer sold recipe to UK based P=
otterycrafts Ltd. www.potterycrafts.co.uk or tel. 44 1782 745000. It's sens=
ational at ^8/9+ under a whole suite of glazes, but extremely pleasing oil =
spot under Licorice. Not cheap. Especially with shipping. Club together wit=
h a couple of people to make it feasible. Some of you may already have an i=
ron rich slip you depend on and can test. Others, research back numbers of =
Ceramic Review from the 80s, and you will find gold -- well iron!
Mount Vernon, WA.
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