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stingy man glazes

updated thu 3 may 12


Jeff Lawrence on wed 2 may 12


Since I'm viscerally cheap, I often wasted hours of time and pounds of
material searching for the quick and efficient. This stinginess makes me
delight in glazes with variegated colors or surfaces - I love a two-for-one
bargain (or many-to-one) - and I sense another profligate timesink in the

However, Mayor mel bummed me out by saying oilspot effects need cone 13 ,
and salivating over John Britt's lively surfaces (cone 10 all) made it
worse, since I've been thinking of firing cone 6-8.

Which leads to a question:

If I opt for cooler temps, do I have to renounce those mega-cool textures?

Say it ain't so...
