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kudos to mel - tapping to center

updated thu 10 may 12


Gayle Bair on tue 8 may 12

I made hundreds of bowls for an empty bowls project in Tucson this year.
Trimming all those bowls went really fast as I didn't have to fuss with
anchoring each pot to the wheel head with lumps of clay.

I owe that to Mel. He demonstrated it at one of his workshops. I was
intrigued by the ease & speed with which he was able to center and trim. So
I went home and tried it with a can of beans as he suggested.
The first hour was frustrating but then I "got it". That one tip alone has
saved me hundreds of hours. I use it for trimming, centering piece for
banding slip decorations, centering chucks etc.

Thanks Mel!


Gayle Bair Pottery

Robert Harris on wed 9 may 12

I striggled for years to tap to centre. Tried to do it every so often
and couldn't.

The way I was originally taught was to LOOK for h-w the pot was off
centre, get the rhythm, and tap it. Well a few years ago I realised
that while I know I have a real hand-eye co-ordination problem, I can
throw pots, so I obviously don't have a hand-hand co-ordination
problem. So I tried putting a finger on the opposite side to where I
tap and then when the pot "disappears" from under my fingers, I tap. I
can do it with my eyes shut.

Just a tip if you're obviously as un-coordinated as me!


On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 2:03 PM, Gayle Bair wrote:
> I made hundreds of bowls for an empty bowls project in Tucson this year.
> Trimming all those bowls went really fast as I didn't have to fuss with
> anchoring each pot to the wheel head with lumps of clay.
> I owe that to Mel. He demonstrated it at one of his workshops. I was
> intrigued by the ease & speed with which he was able to center and trim. =
> I went home and tried it with a can of beans as he suggested.
> The first hour was frustrating but then I "got it". That one tip alone ha=
> saved me hundreds of hours. I use it for trimming, centering piece for
> banding slip decorations, centering chucks etc.
> Thanks Mel!
> Gayle
> Gayle Bair Pottery


Taylor Hendrix on wed 9 may 12

I can't wait to teach myself to tap center on the treadle wheel...once I
teach myself the treadle wheel.

Tap centering really does save a bunch of time in the studio. If one can
throw on the wheel, one can tap
center. They are directly related. Yes, Arnold, physics is fascinating.

May the centripetal force be with you!

Taylor, in Rockport TX
wirerabbit1 on Skype (-0600 UTC)

On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 1:03 PM, Gayle Bair wrote:

> ...
> I owe that to Mel. He demonstrated it at one of his workshops. I was
> intrigued by the ease & speed with which he was able to center and trim..=