chadsskycorner@YAHOO.COM on sun 20 may 12
Am currently firing Fast freddie style . To get what was desireable in my m=
ind was cone 12. The rise from 2000 to 2300 is extreametly fast at my place=
. The cone 10 results were melted however a lot of pinholing and some crawl=
ing. The glaze was not fluid enough long enough to allow the air in the gla=
ze to rise out of the surface. Normally takes only 20 to thirty minutes to =
go from 2300 f to 2400f. And the result was better. At the same time stckin=
g to shelves can increase and the kiln and the furniture is also taking on =
more heat. For this to be successfull the approach is somewhat different.Pa=
rt of the reason is the ash is deffinitly melted
Chad B.Nielson
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