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alternative sprayer.

updated thu 31 may 12


Frank Gaydos on tue 29 may 12

At work I use a sprayer system that is both cheap and effective.

Paasche has a nice cheap sprayer that comes with small glass bottles. ($47.=

We toss the bottles and substitute larger plastic bottles from beauty suppl=
y stores for color dye application.

The advantage is you can set up a bunch of slips and glazes and change on t=
he fly.

Plus, the plastic is lighter and no fear of dropping glass, a cinch to clea=

I use a basic compressor from SEARS which works great, noisy, but effective=
. ($99.00) On sale now, From $140.00

Vince is correct about the compressors, Don't cheap out on them.

We use ours on a daily basis so it needs to be able to take a beating.

I tried using one from Harbor Freight and it caught fire after a few weeks!=

For years we used a hand me down from the graphic designers from the days o=
f air brushing.

It was a Paasche compressor,VERY quiet and effective but pricey.

Frank Gaydos

"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as
when they do it from religious conviction"
Blaise Pascal.