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hacked account- steve is not in spain!

updated wed 13 jun 12


Steven Branfman on tue 12 jun 12

Hello, All-

If you received an e-mail from Steve with the subject line "Sad News... Ste=
ven Branfman" do not open it! =3D20

This morning, both the and this e-mail address were hac=
ked. The insidious "I was mugged in a foreign country" theme was the convi=
ncing scam du jour. =3D20

It is important that you change your password and protect yourself if you'v=
e already opened the "Sad news" message. =3D20
I also apologize in advance if you receive this message more than once; I'm=
trying to circumvent AOL's anti-spamming measures, ironically. =3D20

For those of you who have been in touch with Steve recently, this is partic=
ularly laughable as he has been at Brigham and Women's Hospital following a=
cycling accident on Sunday. Steve is not leaving his hospital room, let a=
lone the country, in the immediate future. Though Steve is relatively well=
and recovering from surgery, he has told me that he is welcoming calls (on=
his cell phone) and visitors. He is more bored than anything else, at the=

Thank you for your phone calls and e-mails alerting us to this issue.
I'll be at the Shop all day cleaning up messes as they happen,

Sarah Whitlock, Staff / Damage Control=3D20
43 Chinian Path
Newton, MA 02459
ph: 617/964 0442
cell: 617/447 3500
studio: 781/449 7687
fax: 781/449 9098


