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another michigan anagama potter

updated mon 2 jul 12


gary navarre on sun 1 jul 12

Kiln demolition took a back seat to a road trip about a =3D

Hey Folks,=3D0A=3D0A=3DA0Kiln demolition took a back seat to a road trip ab=
out a =3D
week ago that lasted way longer than planned. The van was loaded with a lit=
tle over half a ton of potters wheel and other studio materials. I got on t=
he road a little past noon and figured I could get about half way to Dearbo=
rn before evening and make a rest stop at Jeff Cline's kiln, a college budd=
y from Kalamazoo, to see what he came up with after all these years. A few =
miles before my destination a mile East of Cross Village, Michigan I caught=
sight of a doe on the right side past the road ditch close to the fence/wo=
ods line. She gave me a look, then turned her head toward the tree cover, a=
nd just about the time I figured she was gonna jump further right into the =
woods she leaps left 50' in two or three bounds into my path. I got my foot=
to the break peddle but with almost my load limit the momentum made much b=
reaking somewhat pointless and I nailed her with the radiator and air condi=
condenser. Of course the hood got crumpled and a bunch of plastic broke bu=
t it kept running without any clattering so I drove on to Jeff's. Don't kno=
w what happened to the deer, last view I saw was her legs pointing at me as=
she flew off to the left about 7' from the pavement with the dumbest look =
on her face. I'll bet she became a Coyote feast. Needless to say I felt dum=
ber than the deer but Jeff calmed me down and we dealt with it the next mor=
ning. It ended up taking a week to get the van mobile so I got a chance to =
be a tourist and even met a few neighbors. However the main event was to ha=
ve Jeff show me around the kiln site and see some of the results 25 or so y=
ears of dedication can bring and let me do a video so here ya go Folks, tha=
nks for watching and stay in there eh ...=3D0A=3D0A=3D0A=3DA0
/watch?v=3D3DLAWWonXcQ6U=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0 (29:31)=3D0A=3D0A=3DA0=3D0AGary Nav=
arre=3D0ANavarre P=3D
ottery=3D0ANavarre Enterprises=3D0ANorway, Michigan, USA=3D0Ahttp://www.Nav=
arrePo=3D <...... New Pots=3D0A