David Woof on tue 31 jul 12
Hi Kathy=3D2C
I would go for the new kiln with the better bricks and use the most deterio=
rated or oldest kiln for salvage.
ITC will be effective and prolong kiln life if the bricks are not at the bu=
rned out stage where they have a crumbly powdery surface. The ITC needs som=
ething to attach to. I tested ITC when it first came into our awareness o=
n an old gas kiln whose bricks were stress cracked but with still viable su=
rface. After a conversation with Feriz Delkic=3D2C I salted it heavy for 5=
irings=3D2C then applied the Itc and fired cones 10-12 every six weeks for =
mething like 10 years before selling that property=3D2C demolishing the kil=
n =3D
and subsequently moving to Arizona.
I would reccommend installing new Elements coated with ITC=3D2C But...ITC w=
l prolong the life of used elements if they are still productive at their r=
ated capacity.
Mel gave a good set of instructions for applying Itc to elements and instal=
ling=3D2C some time ago=3D2C see the archives=3D2C or I'm sure his new publ=
n will cover this.
I have a thinly thrown large jar that broke into a zillion pieces (actually=
about 15) that I "glued" back together using ITC=3D2C and then refired=3D2=
C th=3D
at has been sitting out in the weather for 8 years still intact thru rain e=
xtreem heat and freezing.
Space age stuff of many uses. Are you aware of the demos where folks have =
built a raku kiln made of plywood=3D2C coated the inside surfaces with ITC=
and fired it to 1=3D2C800 f.
I have also soaked refractory blanket (kaowool) in Itc and ram packed it=3D=
using a hammer handle=3D2C into eroded flame areas=3D2C Glues itself in=3D=
2C pro=3D
tects=3D2C and even "digs in" and stays put over fire scaled exposed metal =
ame work.
Seriously looking forward to the ITC Potter's Kit that mel is working on.
David Woof......no vested or promotional interest other than that the stuff=
works as stated per directions.
new old kiln where to start?
Posted by: "Kathy Chase-Jones" chasekm@COMCAST.NET
Date: Fri Jul 27=3D2C 2012 3:33 am ((PDT))
Hi=3D2C I have recently acquired a new to me L&L kiln. It is about 10 years=
ewer and the bricks are in better shape than the 2 that I have now. The dil=
emma is=3D2Cdo I scavenge the parts for my older kiln=3D2C or upgrade the n=
parts from the older kiln onto this one? I am thinking since the bricks ar=
ein great shape=3D2C that an ITC coat may be the way to go...Any pros or co=
? I can comfortably rewire=3D2C put on new switches=3D2C and re-element myo=
L&L=3DE2=3D80=3D99s=3D2Cand am comfortable with spraying glazes & have an =
air comp=3D
ressor. The kiln work isn=3DE2=3D80=3D99t the question=3D2C just confused i=
f the IT=3D
C would help since this is a prebroken-in kiln. Thanks for your advice=3D2C=
thy Chase-JonesIn humid Cape Cod enjoying homemade ice cream out of my favo=
rite local potter/friends bowl :) =
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