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request for recipes (porcelain body)

updated wed 15 aug 12


Zac Hould on tue 14 aug 12

Hello all,

This is my second post on the forum and hopin everyone's summer is windin=
down well. Earlier this year, I took the Christopher/Anne Hogg bone china=

recipe in various books and mixed up a 50lb or so batch. It was 50% bone
ash, 25% cornwall (cornish) stone and 25% super standard porcelain kaolin=
. I
read it was a cone 10 rated body but did not survive. I had a small jar
completely melt flat and flow off the shelf and down to the next level of=

the kiln. I am guessing it is a cone 8 porcelain.=3D20

My first question is if I were to stick with this recipe, due to simplici=
in materials, can I lower both the cornish and the bone ash and increase =
kaolin to allow for a cone 10 firing? I would guess a revised formula wou=
be 45% bone ash, 20% cornish (cornwall) stone, 35 S.S.P. kaolin? Or do yo=
thing bring the bone ash even lower, maybe 40% would be better since the
cornwall bring some silica to the mix?

I will mention that a teadust black on this formula when green completely=
as if the crystals formed a complete layer on top of the body and no glos=
formed. By the way, it was quite obvious how white this clay was. BLEACH
WHITE is a fair description. Very little workability and plasticity for t=
wheel or wedging. Other funky thing was the grittyness in the slip while
throwing that was either from the bone ash or cornish stone. And after it=

ages, the outside later goes that bright white and then cut it open and y=
see the moldy grey color of a dark buff or talc body. Interesting.

Second question, I am interested in mixing some small batches of halloysi=
based porcelain for asymmetrical work. I read that it warps easily due to=

the rolling and unrolling during wetting and drying factor in the materia=
I was hoping for a basic recipe with some fair or crude amount of workabi=
for the wheel. I will have no complaints of special materials if you have=
complex or expensive recipe. I already have a fair amount in diverse
materials to use.

I am guessing some will tell me to take an existing cone 10 recipe and su=
the kaolin for halloysite which I am fine with hearing but I am only aski=
due to curiousity if many recipes have floated around as a basic halloysi=

My best regards to all and happy potting!

Zac Hould

Los Angeles