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wire mesh in sculpture?

updated mon 9 feb 98


Jane Trytko on fri 6 feb 98

Has anyone ever used wire mesh inside their clay sculpture for support? Will
aluminum wire mesh melt inside a sculpture when fired? If so, how does this
effect the electric kiln? Any answers would be very much appreciated. Thanks.

Jane Trytko

Jan Cartron on sat 7 feb 98

I believe the best way to deal with a wire mesh armature is to cut your
sculpture at leather hard, remove the wire, then weld the sculpture back
together, but I like using combustible materials (like paper) for support as
much as possible.

Jane Trytko on sun 8 feb 98

Yes, I was afraid of that. I usually use paper for support but for larger
sculptures, the wire mesh sounded great, that is if you could fire it with the
clay. I just hate cutting up the piece and putting it back together. Always
looking for that easier way, that's me.
Thanks for responding. Jane