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fw: perfection

updated tue 28 aug 12


J Lee on sun 26 aug 12

My favorite "machine made" bowl was=3DC2=3DA0purchased in a grocery store i=
n Ma=3D
nitoba, Canada......=3D0AThompson is the name of the town, I think.=3DC2=3D=
=3DA0The creamy white with blues and greens=3D0Aglazes coloring large flopp=
y fl=3D
owers in the=3DC2=3DA0style of .... what IS that glazing technique which=3D=
s like watercolors... I think Linda Arbuckle is known for it???=3DC2=3DA0=
I don't think many would accept that=3DC2=3DA0the bowl is "hand=3D3Dmade".=
=3DC2=3DA0 =3D
It was "made in Italy,"=3D0Acost $15.00.... each bowl in the stack of a doz=
or more looked exactly like all the=3D0Aothers.=3DC2=3DA0 Almost everybody=
ng to check out had one or two bowls on top of=3D0Atheir carts. I believe t=
re was a maximum of two to a customer.=3DC2=3DA0 My impression was that=3D0=
Amany =3D
of the bowls were being purchased for Christmas gifts.=3D0A=3D0APersonally,=
=3DA0 that experience is rather disturbing.=3DC2=3DA0 I like the bowl but w=
t=3D0Abuy one again.=3DC2=3DA0 My point, if I have one, is that there are s=
ome go=3D
od-looking pots out=3D0Athere, surprisingly=3DC2=3DA0=3DC2=3DA0so,=3DC2=3DA=
0=3DC2=3DA0which a=3D
re likely rip-offs from some of=3DC2=3DA0the world's finest=3D0Apotters=3DC=
=3DA0 Brrrrrr don't like to think about it. Threatens us all in a variety o=
f =3D
ways.=3D0A=3D0AJoyce=3D0AIn the Mojave Desert of California who just opened=
her e=3D
lectric bill.=3DC2=3DA0 Talk about scary!=3D0AThis month the evaporative co=
oler w=3D
ouldn't do the job so, as often happens in=3D0AAugust, we're dependent upon=
he air-conditioner....... the electric bill has never been=3D0Aso high.=3DC=
I'll just pay it and "think about it tomorrow" ala Scarlett O'Hara.=3DC2=
=3DA0 =3D
Twice as=3D0Amuch as last year at this time.=3DC2=3DA0 Jeez////////////////=
=3DC2=3DA0=3D0A=3DC2=3DA0 =3D0A=3D0AHi Lee, all...=3D0A=3D0A=3D0A=3D0ASeems=
to me that it depends=3D
...=3D0A=3D0AWhat do you mean by 'perfect' in this ( albeit, possibly wide =
) co=3D
ntext?=3D0A=3D0AI almost never see any 'machine made' Ceramics which I woul=
d ca=3D
ll 'perfect'.=3D0AThey may be 'uniform' from one-to-another, but, usually, =
at is about it.=3D0A=3D0AMaybe some rare examples do exist, but, none come =
to m=3D
ind for me at this=3D0Amoment...other than some from the 1930s, who's Desig=
r's name(s) escape me,=3D0Aas do who ever the Manufactory was or were, who =
de them, but, otherwise...=3D0A=3D0AWhile I have seen many times, examples =
of H=3D
and Thrown/Trimmed/Glazed etc=3D0ACeramic where, my reaction can or indeed =
one of saying to myself=3D0A" perfect!"=3D0A=3D0AOther kinds of t=
made by co-operating successions of Operatives OF=3D0A'Machines' or relate=
d =3D
process, can or are to my perspecuity, quite often=3D0Awhat I will gladly c=
l 'perfect'. And, these are things which can not=3D0Apractically be=3D0A 'M=
ade =3D
by Hand', so...=3D0A=3D0A=3D0A=3D0APhil=3D0AL v=3D0A=3D0A=3D0A=3D0A----- Or=
iginal Message ---=3D
--=3D0AFrom: "Cwiddershins"=3D0A=3D0A=3D0AWhat is the point of making thing=
s "handm=3D
ade", when what you are doing by=3D0Ahand, can be made "more perfectly" by =
chine?=3D0A--=3D0ALee Love in Minneapolis=3D0A
=3D0A"Ta tIr na n-=3DC3=3DB3g ar chul an tI=3DE2=3D80=3D94tIr dlainn trina =
=3DE2=3D80=3D94that is, "The=3D0Aland of eternal youth is behind the house,=
a beaut=3D
iful land fluent=3D0Awithin itself." -- John O'Donohue --sent from my iPod=

Lee on mon 27 aug 12

On Sun, Aug 26, 2012 at 9:15 PM, J Lee wrote:
> My favorite "machine made" bowl was purchased in a grocery store in Manit=
oba, Canada....

We have a nice Riviera collection
Lee Love in Minneapolis

"Ta tIr na n-=3DF3g ar chul an tI=3D97tIr dlainn trina ch=3DE9ile"=3D97tha=
t is, "T=3D
land of eternal youth is behind the house, a beautiful land fluent
within itself." -- John O'Donohue