Chad Nielson on sun 26 aug 12
Hi all=3D0A=3DA0Was interesting had recieved a box in the mail of=3DA0 seve=
ral do=3D
zen C past (like from 15 to 25 years old ) of Ceramic Monthly magazines. Me=
ls post was timely. Had spent several hours of looking at people who then w=
ere active in the ceramic community and was interesting to see how some of =
them evolved. The magazine has evoled the font the advertisements. Soldner =
ads still classics.=3D0A=3DA0The=3DA0 whole thing=3DA0has changed=3DA0 both=
in equipt=3D
ment available=3DA0 new materials=3DA0 some glaze components not longer ava=
le.=3DA0The concept of woodfiring has matured over the last 25 years some o=
f =3D
the pottery in the eighties look more like experiments than pieces that sho=
w real depth. There is still inspiration there.=3D0A=3DA0The pottery commun=
ity =3D
has changed who would have thought we would have computer controlled kilns =
where we could control precises ramping=3DA0 oxegen=3DA0 reduction . The pl=
ug a=3D
n play glazes we have now have so much variety and ease of use they almost =
invite novices to get involved. Utah pottery has been going throught to Ike=
a clone stage and is evident in the sales of many potters here.=3D0A=3DA0In=
end Ceramic Monthly is a business and they sell subscriptions and and they=
sell advertising. They also create somewhat of a foot note of what is goin=
g on.=3DA0 Some of my favorite potters did not get into this to get into Ce=
mics Monthly. They did this because they love the clay . They love to expre=
ss themselves and the fact that there us people who can appreciate their ex=
pression is a wonderful thing.=3D0A=3DA0We just came away from an arts fest=
got so see a few people had a few surprise sales . This year was interesti=
ng int that several pieces had got through quality control=3DA0 mostly a fe=
w =3D
cups had cracks around where the handle was attached , Not any danger of fa=
lling off just there was some shrinkage . Normally dont put these things ou=
t for sale will fix them.or will give them to a relative with the understan=
ding that the piece is still fuctional but also should be regarded as a sec=
ond or they get to have a driveway moment with a hammer. Great traction on =
those cold winter days.What am trying to say is at my place dont have much =
thought whether these pieces will get into Ceramic Monthly. In the end they=
really only have to please me. And thank God there is other people who hav=
e the same appreciation .=3D0A=3DA0Best wishes=3D0A=3DA0Chad B. Nielson
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