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purchasing electric kilns

updated sat 14 feb 98


Liz Zlot on thu 12 feb 98

hi everyone,
I'm interested in buying an electric kiln. Is anyone selling a used one in
the Carolina area? What brand would you suggest getting a new one from for
a decent price.
ezlot@cu.campus.mci. net

Lili Krakowski on fri 13 feb 98

Kilns are the sum of their parts plus labor. Although several British
writers speak of the economy of building one's own electric kiln, every
few years I check this out, and come up with the reality that in the US
unless you have access to freebies or great discounts BUY DON'T BUILD AN
ELECTRIC KILN. As far as I can tell the manufacturers get stuff wholesale
and they have all the machines, add labor and advertising and guarantess
and a profit--and that is the price. Two concerns: availability of
replacement parts, AND shipping costs. So. If you buy a kiln from
a supplier who is not the manufacturer but has it put out under his name:
Moe's Super De Luxe Kiln, available now from MOE's Pottery Supply House,
be aware, as I found out, that the person making it may be a real person
in a real business, but may go out of business too. As you realize a lot
of house paints, and similar products, generic vitamins for instance are
NOT actually manufactured by the hardware chain or the drugstore chain
whose name is on there. And one has no assurance that the firm making the
pain or the vitamins for the chainstore will remain in business. With a
kiln that might be a problem.
So. My suggestion is: shop the specials--which seem to come in Summer--and
find a good brand name--my own kilns are Skutt's-- and do not hesitate to
negotiate with the dealer. Many times they will have a great big order
coming in and add your kiln to that and give you a break on the freight.
Ifyou can pick up the kiln yourself it is a big saving. So where you are
located matters. As to used kilns: caveat emptor times ten, unless you
really know your kilns, know elctricity etc.
On Thu, 12 Feb 1998, Liz Zlot wrote:

> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> hi everyone,
> I'm interested in buying an electric kiln. Is anyone selling a used one in
> the Carolina area? What brand would you suggest getting a new one from for
> a decent price.
> liz
> ezlot@cu.campus.mci. net

Lili Krakowski