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philadelphia buyers market of american craft

updated thu 26 feb 98


Janet or Michael Francoeur on mon 23 feb 98

People have been writing about Baltimore but I haven't heard anyone say
anything about this show yet. Did anyone go and how was it?

Tim Stowell on wed 25 feb 98

We exhibited for the second time at this years Buyers Market. We do
brightly colored earthenware that is highly decorated. After setting up I
walked around the show and did notice many more people working in lo-fire
then had exhibited last year. At first I was a little concerned. No-one
was using our exact palette, no-one's designs looked like ours, our
prices were in the same range as the majority of the work I saw. I knew
our work would stand on it's own. Friends who have been doing the show
for as long as fifteen years encouraged us by telling us to expect more
orders the second year than we had received the first.

We beat last year on the first day. We have booked up almost our entire
year of wholesale production time and so far have been receiving a Phone
call a day from galleries/stores requesting more info, placing an order,
expanding an order or booking production time. We are actually glad ACC
wait listed us...The trip to Baltimore would have been a for
selling at the retail part we had another exhibitor who owns a gallery
purchase most of the work that we brought with us to put into their
I know not everyone was as successful as we were and some were far more
successful. Believe me we have been saying prayers of thanks ,but, I
truly believe that if what any of us creates is true to ourselves there
is a market for it...we just have to find the right market(s).
The Buyer's Market worked for us and we're a two-person
operation...unless there are any volunteers out there.

The most asked question for us also was "what's new?" and they expected a
fast answer. Our row had a good laugh when we found on our seats one
morning a brochure from AFTOSA saying we could have our work produced by
them offshore, all we needed to order was 1,500 -2,500 of each piece. We
weren't sure if we should be offended or stupified. One neighbor said he
would have liked to see the guy who brought the fliers around before we
got there,"anyone with cajonies(sp?) that big had to be walking funny."


Tim Stowell Gerard Stowell Pottery
Stacey Gerard 290 River Street Troy, NY 12180

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