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seeking karen karnes...

updated thu 5 mar 98


Odaat2day on tue 3 mar 98

I am trying to contact Karen Karnes and have been unsuccessful in tracking
down a telephone / address. If anyone could help, it would be appreciated.

Take care,

Stephen Sell /

Karen Gringhuis on wed 4 mar 98

Try telephone info in Morgan VT. If no luck, perhaps the Amer Craft
Council in NYC Spring St. or Circulation mgr. of Ceramics Monthly
might share at least a town.

jjcat on wed 4 mar 98

Try calling the Old Church Cultural Center in Demarest, NJ ask for
M. Zakin. She may be able to help you

At 08:03 AM 3/3/98 EST, you wrote:
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>I am trying to contact Karen Karnes and have been unsuccessful in tracking
>down a telephone / address. If anyone could help, it would be appreciated.
>Take care,
>Stephen Sell /