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vancouver island

updated wed 11 mar 98


joanne ohara on mon 9 mar 98

I am moving to Parksville area this week and am eager to pot away right away.
i have heard that there is a pottery supply in Nanaimo. Would someone be
kind enough to
let me know if so..where.? If not I will be passing thru Vancouver and will
stock up on my way over.
I would also be interested in any co-op or guild in the area..workshops
etc. I am primarily
handbuilding and interested in learning pit,sawdust and woodfiring.

many thanks

ps. this email will be defunct as of march 11.until i resubscribe with a new
provider on the island.

" to thine own self.............. be true

there is no one greater............. than you"

Gari Whelon on tue 10 mar 98

Hi Joanne and welcome to the island.

2 guild/coops you may want to check out.

Parksville guild call Les Crimp, hes on clay art but I dont have his email ,
phone 250 468-7072, they operate out of the old train station in parksville

Nanaimo guild meets 2nd tues of every month and sponsers 2 large sales a
year, more info from me if you need it, as I recall the initial share is
$10.00 and yearly fee is $10.00, we usually have an education component to
meetings and also orgaNIZE WORKSHOPS.

There are 2 suppliers in town (south of town actually) Pottery warehouse
716-9966 and Island pottery supply at 753-1633. Both have adds in the
current BC guild newsletter if you are a member.

Regarding wood firing, I am involved in the Tozan and can fill you in on
membership firing schedules and courses etc if you are interested.

Let me know

hope this helps

Gari Whelon

>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> Hello,
> I am moving to Parksville area this week and am eager to pot away right away.
> i have heard that there is a pottery supply in Nanaimo. Would someone be
>kind enough to
>let me know if so..where.? If not I will be passing thru Vancouver and will
>stock up on my way over.
> I would also be interested in any co-op or guild in the area..workshops
>etc. I am primarily
>handbuilding and interested in learning pit,sawdust and woodfiring.
>many thanks
>ps. this email will be defunct as of march 11.until i resubscribe with a new
>provider on the island.
> " to thine own self.............. be true
> ***
> there is no one greater............. than you"