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glaze swappers and utopia

updated sat 14 mar 98


Samuel T DREW on thu 12 mar 98

Hi Fellow mud pushers,

Now that I have introduced myself, it is down to business.
I have noticed that alot of people want glaze recipes, but the giver
gets little in return. I am wanting to here from people who are
prepared to do glaze swaps(mutual benefit). My area is in cone 9/10
reduction but will accept glazes from all ranges.

My second point is to do with my honors proposal. I want peoples
ideas on utopia, if one can be bothered. Book references are very,
very much appreciated. I'm looking at the past as well as the future
i.e. Nazi ideals, russian and chinese communism. Plus I'm looking at
religion, aspects of advertising, Japanese culture and what ever
comes up.

kind regards sam, For an Australian Republic.

John H. Rodgers on fri 13 mar 98

-- [ From: John H. Rodgers * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --


I suppose there are those that will go swap for swap, but many of us don't
have glazes to swap, but we have other things to contribute. When someone
posts a glaze to the list as opposed to an individual, everyone on the list
benefits. Even if we are not interested in some particular glaze, we get to
see the interests in glazes, the different kinds, etc, and have a reference
point for the future as we each grow in our work and our needs change. Also
those glaze recipes and comments on them go, if I understand correctly, into
an archive for posterity. I ocassionally ask for a glaze, but I'm not a
knowledgeable glaze person, but I have other things to contribute, and these
I try to communicate, not so much to individuals as to the membership of the
list at large, so that all may benefit. To break it down into swap for swap
would cause our superb collective to disintegrate into a "Who needs you, you
don't do anything for me!" kind of group which ultimately would disappear.

Sure hope you can come to see it differently.


John Rodgers
The Alaska Guy in Alabama, USA

-------- REPLY, Original message follows --------

Date: Thursday, 12-Mar-98 10:12 AM

From: Samuel T DREW \ Internet: (
To: Clayart \ Internet: (

Subject: glaze swappers and utopia

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Hi Fellow mud pushers,

Now that I have introduced myself, it is down to business. I have noticed
that alot of people want glaze recipes, but the giver gets little in return.
I am wanting to here from people who are prepared to do glaze swaps(mutual
benefit). My area is in cone 9/10 reduction but will accept glazes from all

My second point is to do with my honors proposal. I want peoples ideas on
utopia, if one can be bothered. Book references are very, very much
appreciated. I'm looking at the past as well as the future i.e. Nazi ideals,
russian and chinese communism. Plus I'm looking at religion, aspects of
advertising, Japanese culture and what ever comes up.

kind regards sam, For an Australian Republic.

-------- REPLY, End of original message --------