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spanish red

updated fri 27 mar 98


Joyce Lee on sun 22 mar 98

When I ordered Spanish Red from Archie Bray, Bob, they told me that the
Spanish Red was 99% pure red iron oxide as opposed to regular red iron
oxide which was, I think, 90% pure. Anyway, I have both, use them
interchangeably and can't tell the difference except for the color of
the oxide itself. Of course, I'm still very much in a state of learning
so....for what it's worth.....

In the Mojave disbelieving of the masses of orange poppies her eyes are
beholding on the Sierras. Yellows, blues and lavenders, too, appear
spilled from the heavens in massive splotches. Short Canyon is ablaze.

Ray Carlton on wed 25 mar 98

in 23 years have found very little difference in iron oxides
Spanish Iron Oxide is sold out here {Australia} and is favored because of
its fine particle size and is particularly usefull in celadon and chuns
where you dont want a lot of iron spotting. another type available is
Indian iron oxide and that is quite lumpy and coarse but is soaked for an
hour and poured twice through 120 mesh sieve is also ok...soooo dont lose
any sleep over using spanish the physical properties of the red iron oxides
are all very similar..I am pretty sure that "spanish or "indian" merely
denotes thier country of origin
cheers :) Ray Carlton

McMahons Creek Victoria Australia

CaroleER on thu 26 mar 98

I prefer the Spanish red for my ox temuku. To get the temuku to work using
regular iron ox, I have to use twice the amount that I use of Spanish.

Carole Rishel
Bastrop, TX