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natural gas and methane

updated tue 24 mar 98


Talbott on mon 23 mar 98

Natural Gas and methane are for practical purposes the exact same thing.
The primary constituant of Natural Gas is methane which is CH4... Two words
which mean the same thing.. ....Marshall

>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>well actually where I come from "natural gas" is piped from under the
>ground and has taken over from "town gas" which was that generated from
>heating coal and largely a superceded technology. "Methane gas" is that gas
>generated from decomposing organic material. efficient production can be
>obtained from animal droppings. The technology is not that simple but not
>impossible to set up and works similar to the way the old "town gas" used
>to work. There are cities in europe that have much of their electricity
>generated from methane gas collected from the local rubbish dump...As i
>remeber it the big problem with methane was that it was difficult to get
>the pressure up high enough to do any serious work.... Has any body thought
>of using ethanol which is easily produced and also a sustainable
>technology...A lot of these ideas were hot topics in the 70's when we were
>all hairy, ate nothing but lentils and brown rice, wore gumboots and
>talked a lot of movin up country....I'm sure if you pulled out dads old
>hippy books you would find plenty of info on the topic...I never saw one
>methane collector or water wheel generator that actually worked but Im sure
>there were and is plenty that did and still do....These are intriguing
>possibilities but who has the time to research, test and build this stuff???
>If you do, good luck to you and your family :))
>cheers :) Ray Carlton
>McMahons Creek Victoria Australia

101 CLAYART MUGS (Summer 1998)

Celia & Marshall Talbott, Pottery By Celia, Route 114, P O Box 4116,
Naples, Maine 04055-4116,(207)693-6100 voice and fax,(call first)

Bill Aycock on mon 23 mar 98

One more thing Marshall does NOT understand-

Marshall- the name NATURAL in this set of postings is a JOKE- get it?

At 10:25 AM 3/23/98 EST, you wrote:
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>Natural Gas and methane are for practical purposes the exact same thing.
>The primary constituant of Natural Gas is methane which is CH4... Two words
>which mean the same thing.. ....Marshall

Bill Aycock --- Persimmon Hill
Woodville, Alabama, US 35776
(in the N.E. corner of the State)
W4BSG -- Grid EM64vr