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recycling slip?? & garden listserve??

updated thu 2 apr 98


Jed Barnum on tue 31 mar 98

hi there.

Two quick questions: I have a batch of porcelain casting slip that was terribly
disappointing. Any way I can eliminate/neutralize/wash the deflocculant to use
it as regular clay again? I'd add it to my porcelain reclaim bucket if I could.

Question two: Do any of you know of any listserves for gardeners or growing
plants and things? Respond to me directly, please (off the list).

Thanks in advance!


JLHclay on wed 1 apr 98

Hey I'm always interested in re cycling materials. What about pouring slip
reclaimed for throwing or hand building? jlhclay in wet cold Tucson isn't
that an oxcymoran sic