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pinholing in com'l glazes

updated fri 3 apr 98


Mary & Leonard Christopher on thu 2 apr 98

Hi -- gotta question for the list. I have a small electric kiln (two
rows of elements). I glaze fire to ^5. Due to circumstances, I'm
currently brushing on Spectrum commercial glazes. In two different
firings, items on the bottom shelf have pinholed. All with different
glazes, different clay types. (Same glazes have done fine in same
firing) I have a Orton Kiln vent attached to the bottom of the kiln.
Could that affect anything? The rest of the items in these firing are
fine. What could be causing the pinholes and can I re-fire the pieces?
If so, do I just put them back in the kiln as is, or do I need to
re-glaze?? Oh, also, the witness cones say everything looks
hunky-dory--even on the bottom shelf. p.s. I bisque fire to ^06. Would
appreciate any advice. TIA, Mary