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wax on the foot.

updated sun 19 apr 98


wallace myers on sun 5 apr 98

Hi Folks:
What if I dip the bottom of my pots in paraffin or
candle wax and fire them in an electric kiln to cone 6 will
they smoke up my house, catch on fire, or do some other
undesirable thing?

Thank you for any response.

tmartens on mon 6 apr 98

I regularly use parafin wax on the foot rings. I should not think the
fumes are particularly healthy, but my kiln is not in the house, and
my studio well ventilated.
I get a long life from my elements so I guess it does not upset them
either. Just be careful when heating the wax prior to waxing the
feet, don't ever leave it sits there waiting for
you to turn your back!
Toni Martens, Durban South Africa.........will summer ever

Dai Scott on mon 6 apr 98

Hi, Wallace! Yes, the wax will smoke up the house, but probably won't set
anything on fire! You need a good ventilation system, or lots of open doors
and windows near your kiln, if you're going to use hot wax - it is quite
smoky. Also, when dipping the foot into the wax, be careful of any air
pockets created withing the footring---sometimes it results in a "blurp" of
hot wax up the side of the pot, which is almost impossible to get off.
Re-bisquing will get rid of it, but that's a hassle.
Dai Scott - Pottery by Dai in Kelowna, B.C., Canada, where the sun always
shines - except for today.

At 11:26 AM 4/5/98 EDT, you wrote:
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>Hi Folks:
> What if I dip the bottom of my pots in paraffin or
>candle wax and fire them in an electric kiln to cone 6 will
>they smoke up my house, catch on fire, or do some other
>undesirable thing?
>Thank you for any response.

DONPREY on mon 6 apr 98

using paraffin won't result in a fire or smoke. Use of "hot wax" (paraffin)
is widely practiced. However, the amount of petroleum fumes released to the
local atmosphere will be considerable. Excellent venting of the kiln space is
a necessity. If anybody in the area is sensitive to petroleum byproducts,
this will definitely get their attention.
Don Prey in Oregon

Paul Lewing on mon 6 apr 98


Nothing will catch on fire, but it sure will stink. It will be a real
test of yoiur ventilation system.

Try to do as little waxing as possible. One way to avoid waxing, at
least on the bottom of pots, is to use a rug-board. This is a common
way of cleaning off bottoms in the dinnerware industry. Get a piece
of short-nap indoor-outdor carpet (not AstroTurf) glue it to a piece
of plywood with waterproof glue. I use a piece that just fits on my
shop sink, and has slats nailed to the bottom that hold it in place on
the sink. Get it wet. I usually run water on it, then wring it out a
little on the edge of the sink. Now dip your pots, feet and all.
When they're dry, rub them on the wet carpet. This will remove all
the glaze on the foot, leaving a nice beveled edge on the glaze, and
no unglazed foot visible from the side.

Paul Lewing, Seattle

Stephen Mills on mon 6 apr 98

Yes, you will get smoke. How much depends on the amount of wax you use.
It stops at about 300oC

In message , wallace myers writes
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>Hi Folks:
> What if I dip the bottom of my pots in paraffin or
>candle wax and fire them in an electric kiln to cone 6 will
>they smoke up my house, catch on fire, or do some other
>undesirable thing?
>Thank you for any response.

Steve Mills
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Artbwolfe on wed 8 apr 98

None of the above. The wax burns out in the first half hour or so. I only
use wax that I melt down in an electric frying pan. I think it's the best way
to get an even coat. Bev Wolfe

Jack Ward on sat 18 apr 98

Will smoke up your house.

> ----------------------------Original
> message----------------------------
> Hi Folks:
> What if I dip the bottom of my pots in paraffin or
> candle wax and fire them in an electric kiln to cone 6 will
> they smoke up my house, catch on fire, or do some other
> undesirable thing?
> Thank you for any response.
> Wallace